Correlation - Update Correlation Engine


Supported Methods


This API updates the state of the correlation engine specified by {engineId}, causing it be renamed or stopped/started.


Authentication Types
Sentinel Permissions Needed

URL Parameters


Success Codes

Fault Codes

Request Data

Object type: Correlation engine edit object.
Any of these fields can be edited for a Correlation Engine.
activefalseThis is a boolean value. If true, the engine is started, otherwise it is stopped.
enginenamefalseThis is the name of the Correlation engine.
healthfalseThe health data of the Correlation engine.
hostipfalseHost ip of the engine.
hostnamefalseHost name of the engine.

Response Data

Object type: Correlation engine object.
All existing correlation engines in the Sentinel system
activeThis is a boolean value. If true, the engine is started, otherwise it is stopped.
engineIdThis is the unique identifier of the Correlation engine.
enginenameThis is the name of the Correlation engine.
healthThe health data of the Correlation engine.
hostipHost ip of the engine.
hostnameHost name of the engine.
idleThis is a boolean value. If true, the engine is not reachable and unable to process any request.

Response Data

Object type: Correlation engine health object.
Correlation engine health object.
AverageProcessingTimeThe average time to press the deployed rules.
EPSCapacityThe processing time the Correlation Engine consumes relative to the capacity of the engine.
ProcessedCountThe number of events processed by the deployed rules since they were deployed.
StatusDurationThis indicates the duration (in milliseconds) the engine is in its present state.

Sample Request

PUT correlation/engines/696080E0-9A20-1029-ADDD-0003BAC9707D
{"engineId":"696080E0-9A20-1029-ADDD-0003BAC9707D", "enginename":"", "hostip":"", "hostname":"", "active":true}

Sample Response for application/json
Status: 200