Data Sync - Get Table List From Destination Database


Supported Methods


This gets a list of tables from a destination database.


Authentication Types
Sentinel Permissions Needed

Supported Formats


URL Parameters


password String The password of the user.


ParameterTypeDefault ValueDescription
hostName String localhost Name or IP address of database system whose tables are to be returned. If this parameter is missing, the default value will be "localhost".
port int 5432 Port for communicating with the database system whose tables are to be returned. If this parameter is missing, the default value will be "5432".
database String SIEM The name of the database in the database system whose tables are to be returned. If this parameter is missing, the default value will be "SIEM".
userName String appuser Name of the database user to login to the database system. If this parameter is missing, the default value will be "appuser".
dbPlatform String postgresql This is the platform of the database system. It may be <strong>postgresql</strong>, <strong>oracle11g</strong> or <strong>mssql2008</strong>. If this parameter is missing, the default value will be "postgresql".

Success Codes

Fault Codes

Response Data

Object type: Database table object array
Array of database tables
TableThis is an array of <B>&lt;Table</B>&gt; objects. See below for a description of fields in Table objects.

Response Data

Object type: Database table object
Information about the database table where the data sync data is to be stored
schemaNameName of the schema the table belongs to. May be empty.
tableNameName of the destination table.

Sample Request

GET /datasync/tables?hostName=
Sample Response for application/json
Status: 200
{&#10;"Table": [{&#10;   "schemaName": "my_schema",&#10;   "tableName": "my_event_table"&#10;}&#10;"]{&#10;"}&#10;