Reporting - Run Report


Supported Methods


This API runs the chosen report. One can specify minimal input parameters, with either no parameters or just time period, but be aware that all required input parameters must have default values or else an error will be returned. Additionally, for more complex reports, one can specify values for all input parameters. The call is asynchronous, as it starts the report run job on a separate thread and returns the report run job ID. Note the format of the JSON String required when specifing the report parameters in the examples below.


Authentication Types
Sentinel Permissions Needed

Supported Formats


URL Parameters


Success Codes

Fault Codes

Request Data

Object type: Run Parameters
Optional POST data to specify when running a report<BR /> Example 1: {}<BR /> Example 2: { 'DisplayName':'Identity Report', 'Email':{'To': ''}, 'Parameters': [{'InternalName':'SortOrder', 'Value':'Description'}, {'InternalName':'REPORT_LOCALE' , 'Value':'en'}] }
DisplayNamefalseThe display name of the report result, used to override the report name
EmailfalseOne or more email addresses to send report to.
ParameterstrueOne or more parameter name/value fields to pass to the report being run

Sample Request

POST rpt/definition/myReport/sched
Run a minimal report taking all report defaults
Sample Response for application/json
Status: 201
{"Status", "OK", "GUID":"E0235B40-0221-102E-B805-001641E6949B"}

Sample Request

POST rpt/definition/myComplexReport/sched
Run a report passing additional parameters
{ "DisplayName":"my report run", "Parameters":[ { "InternalName":"ReportType", "Value":"D" } { "InternalName":"REPORT_LOCALE", "Value":"fr" } { "InternalName":"SORT_ORDER", "Value":"DESC" }] }

Sample Response for application/json
Status: 201
{"Status", "OK", "GUID":"E0235B40-0221-102E-B805-001641E6949C"}

Sample Request

POST rpt/definition/myComplexReport/sched
Run a report not supplying sufficent parameters
{ "Parameters":[ { "InternalName":"REPORT_LOCALE" , "Value":"fr"} { "InternalName":"SORT_ORDER", "Value":"DESC" }] }
Sample Response for application/json
Status: 400
{"Fault": {"Code": {"Value":"Sender", "Subcode": {"Value":"InvalidInput"} }, "Reason": {"Text":"The report definition "myComplexReport" requires the following parameter(s) to be specified: ReportType."} } }