Users and Roles - UserGroup List and Create Methods


Supported Methods



Authentication Types
Sentinel Permissions Needed

Supported Formats


URL Parameters




ParameterTypeDefault ValueDescription
query string [no filter] The TinyQ language filter that specifies a subset of all available records.
field string not present The name or names of fields whose values are to be returned. The field item may appear zero or more times in the URI query parameters. A single value of "[none]" indicates return only metadata. The absence of any field parameter indicates return all field values,
page integer 1 The 1-based offset into the total records based on page size. Actual offset is (page - 1) * pagesize.
pagesize integer [unlimited] The maximum number of object records to return as a result of the request.

Success Codes

Fault Codes

Response Data

Object type: page
A container for one or more objects in the result listing. There may be multiple pages in a listing if a page size is specified that is less than the total number of objects in the listing.
nextA URL addressing the subsequent page of objects in the total set of available objects.
objectsThe list of objects returned in the page of results.
prevA URL addressing the previous page of objects in the total set of available objects.
Object type: role
A UserGroup, or Role, defines permissions and other information that user accounts may have. User accounts gain permissions by virtue of role membership.
all-eventsIf true, users belong to this role may view all events unfiltered, including system events. If false, the filter value is applied limiting the events role members may view.
createdateThe date and time when the object was created.
creatorThe URL of the Sentinel User object that represents the creator of the object.
descA short description of the Role to help users understand the Role's purpose.
filterThe filter that is applied to event searches performed by users belonging to this role. The event filter is only applied if all-events is false.
isadminIf true, indicates that members of this role have administrator privileges.
membersA list of references to user objects that are members of this role.
metaThe metadata for an object, including the object type name and the URL reference to the object. Definition
moddateThe date and time when the object was last modified.
modifierThe URL of the Sentinel User object that represents the last modifier of the object.
nameThe name by which the Role is referred to in the user interface and APIs.
permsThe collection of permission definitions assigned to this role. Definition
readonlyIf true, indicates that this role may not be modified.
search-initiatorsA list of references to any search initiator objects that are associated with this role for the purposes of Distributed Search.
tagsA list of tag names that are associated with this role.
Object type: meta
The metadata for an object, including the object type name and the URL reference to the object.
@hrefThe URL reference to the object.
typeThe name of the object type
Object type: group-perm
A UserGroupPermission object associates a Permission with a UserGroup and defines whether the UserGroup grants or denies the privilege associated with the Permission.
defThe URL of the Permission object that is associated with the UserGroup by the UserGroupPermission object.
nameThe name of the Permission object associated with the UserGroup object.
valueThe value assigned to the UserGroup-Permission relationship. Currently only "true" and "false" are supported, and imply "GRANT" and "DENY", respectively.

Sample Request

Sample Response for application/json
Status: 200
         "desc":"This role is intended to be used for our company's internal network administrators that need access to collected Sentinel events relating to the internal network.",
         "name":"Internal Network Administrator",


Authentication Types
Sentinel Permissions Needed

Supported Formats



URL Parameters


Success Codes

Fault Codes

Request Data

Object type: role
A UserGroup, or Role, defines permissions and other information that user accounts may have. User accounts gain permissions by virtue of role membership.
all-eventsfalseIf true, users belong to this role may view all events unfiltered, including system events. If false, the filter value is applied limiting the events role members may view.
descfalseA short description of the Role to help users understand the Role's purpose.
filterfalseThe filter that is applied to event searches performed by users belonging to this role. The event filter is only applied if all-events is false.
membersfalseA list of references to user objects that are members of this role.
nametrueThe name by which the Role is referred to in the user interface and APIs.
permsfalseThe collection of permission definitions assigned to this role. Definition
tagsfalseA list of tag names that are associated with this role.

Object type: meta
The metadata for an object, including the object type name and the URL reference to the object.
@hreffalseThe URL reference to the object.
typefalseThe name of the object type

Object type: group-perm
A UserGroupPermission object associates a Permission with a UserGroup and defines whether the UserGroup grants or denies the privilege associated with the Permission.
deffalseThe URL of the Permission object that is associated with the UserGroup by the UserGroupPermission object.
nametrueThe name of the Permission object associated with the UserGroup object.
valuefalseThe value assigned to the UserGroup-Permission relationship. Currently only "true" and "false" are supported, and imply "GRANT" and "DENY", respectively.

Response Data

Object type:
The metadata representation of the newly-created role object, including the URL reference to the new object.
metaThe metadata for an object, including the object type name and the URL reference to the object. Definition
Object type: meta
The metadata for an object, including the object type name and the URL reference to the object.
@hrefThe URL reference to the object.
typeThe name of the object type
Object type: group-perm
A UserGroupPermission object associates a Permission with a UserGroup and defines whether the UserGroup grants or denies the privilege associated with the Permission.
defThe URL of the Permission object that is associated with the UserGroup by the UserGroupPermission object.
nameThe name of the Permission object associated with the UserGroup object.
valueThe value assigned to the UserGroup-Permission relationship. Currently only "true" and "false" are supported, and imply "GRANT" and "DENY", respectively.

Sample Request

   "desc":"This role is intended to be used for our company's internal network administrators that need access to collected Sentinel events relating to the internal network.",
   "name":"Internal Network Administrator",
Sample Response for application/json
Status: 201