Utility - REST Call Authorization Check


Supported Methods


Given a URL, an HTTP method, and optionally desired request/response content types, this API will return whether the caller is authorized to access that REST endpoint or not. It does an authorization check, including checking any roles that method may require. The userID is gleaned from the Authorization header, which must be for a valid logged in user and must be of type X-SAML.


Authentication Types
Sentinel Permissions Needed

URL Parameters


path String The path, not including the context (i.e. SentinelRESTServices) to the REST service. example: /objects/identity
httpMethod String The http method to look for. GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE are supported
contentType String If included, this content type for the inbound request must be supported. example: application/json
acceptType String If included, this content type for the return response must be supported. example: application/json



Success Codes

Fault Codes

Sample Request

GET /preauthorize?path=/objects/identity&httpMethod=GET
Sample Response for application/json
Status: 200

Sample Request

GET /preauthorize?path=/objects/identity&httpMethod=DELETE
Sample Response for application/json
Status: 400
{"Code":{"Value":"Sender","Subcode":{"Value":"RestEndpointNotFound"}},"Reason":{"Text":"Unable to find the REST Service located at URL "/objects/identity" and listening for http method "DELETE"."}}