7.3 For More Information

Find more information about the AppArmor product on the Novell AppArmor product page at Novell: http://www.novell.com/products/apparmor/. Find the product documentation for Novell AppArmor, including this document, at http://www.novell.com/documentation/apparmor/ or in the installed system in /usr/share/doc/manual.

There are specific mailing lists for AppArmor that users can post to or join to communicate with developers.


This is a mailing list for end users of AppArmor. It is a good place for questions about how to use AppArmor to protect your applications.


This is a developer mailing list for AppArmor developers and community members. This list is for questions about development of core AppArmor features—the kernel module and the profiling tools. If you are interested in reviewing the code for AppArmor and contributing reviews or patches, this would be the list for you.


This is a low traffic list announcing the availability of new releases or features.