5.2 Disabling BCC 1.0, Upgrading Servers to NetWare 6.5 SP8, then Enabling BCC 1.1 SP2

The safest and most straightforward way for you to upgrade from BCC 1.0 to BCC 1.1 SP2 is to disable BCC on the peer clusters, upgrade to NetWare 6.5 SP8, re-install BCC 1.1 SP2, and re-configure BCC for the clusters.

This approach leaves you without the BCC capability during the upgrade; however, the clustering high availability is still active.

  1. Create a worksheet for the Identity Manager driver configuration for each peer cluster where you note the ports, landing zones, BCC drivers and driver sets, and certificates that are currently in use.

    You can use this information later when you re-create the drivers.

  2. Stop the BCC drivers from running on the Identity Manager nodes of every peer cluster.

  3. On the Identity Manager node in each peer cluster, delete the Identity Manager drivers and driver sets for the cluster.

  4. Disable BCC for each of the cluster resources on all nodes in every peer cluster.

  5. Disable BCC for each peer cluster.

  6. Clean up the landing zones in each peer cluster.

  7. Uninstall BCC 1.0 from each node in every peer cluster.

  8. Perform a rolling cluster upgrade for all nodes in a peer cluster:

    1. Issue the cluster leave command on one node in the cluster.

    2. Update NetWare 6.5 from version SP5 or SP6 to version SP8, and apply the latest patches for NetWare and Novell Cluster Services.

      For information, see the NW65 SP8: Installation Guide.

    3. Issue the cluster join command on the node.

    4. Install BCC 1.1 SP2 on each node in the cluster. Do not start BCC at this time.

    5. If the node is running iManager, update the following iManager plug-ins by uninstalling the existing NPM files, and then re-installing the correct iManager NPMs.

      • Novell Archive and Version Services (arkmgmt.npm)
      • Novell Cluster Services (ncsmgmt.npm)
      • Novell Storage Services™ (nssmgmt.npm)
      • Storage Management (storagemgmt.npm)
    6. Repeat Step 3.a through Step 3.e for each node in the cluster.

  9. On the Identity Manager node in the cluster, upgrade Identity Manager from version 2.x to 3.51.

    For information, see Upgrading in the Identity Manager 3.5.1 Installation Guide.

    1. Before you begin, make sure that the Identity Manager node meets the 3.5.1 upgrade requirements.

    2. Upgrade Identity Manager from version 2.x to 3.51.

      IMPORTANT:Do not start the drivers yet.

      The upgrade updates the Identity Manager software and its plug-ins for iManager 2.7.2 on the same node.

    3. Stop Tomcat 5 by issuing tc5stop command.

    4. Reset Apache 2 by using the ap2webrs command.

    5. Start Tomcat 5 by using the tomcat command.

    6. Wait at least 5 minutes for the iManager changes to take effect, then restart iManager.

    7. In iManager, verify that Identity Manager is available.

      IMPORTANT:In iManager, the Identity Manager plug-ins are displayed as version 3.6. The 3.6 version functions properly with Identity Manager 3.5.1.

  10. On the Identity Manager node in each peer cluster, create new Identity Manager driver sets and the BCC drivers with the new BCC 1.1 SP2 templates.

    IMPORTANT: Do not create a new partition when creating the driver set.

    You can use the information you documented in Step 1 as a guide for creating the drivers and driver sets. If desired, you can use the same names and port numbers that you used for BCC 1.0.

  11. Start the new Identity Manager drivers for each peer cluster.

  12. Re-enable BCC for the peer clusters.

  13. Re-enable BCC and configure BCC for the cluster resources.