10.5 Configuring CIMOM Daemons to Bind to IP Addresses

The CIMOM daemons on all nodes in the business continuity cluster must be configured to bind to all of the IP addresses on a server.

Business Continuity Clustering connects to the CIMOM by using the master IP address for the cluster. Because the master IP address moves to peer clusters and nodes during a BCC failover or migration, the CIMOM must be configured to bind to all IP addresses (secondary and primary), rather than just the primary IP address of the host.

You can do this by editing the /etc/openwbem/openwbem.conf file. Set the http_server.listen_addresses parameter of the openwbem.conf file to, which is the default. Change the following section in the openwbem.conf file:

# http_server.listen_addresses option specifies the local addresses
# to listen on. The option is a space delimited list.
# Each item is either a hostname or an IP address. 
# The value means to listen on all local addresses.
# This is a multi-valued option. Whitespace is the separator.
# The default is
http_server.listen_addresses =

For more information about managing OpenWBEM, see the OES 2: OpenWBEM Services Administration Guide.