12.3 Cluster Connection States

The connection state numbers are recorded in a log file that you can use to view connection and status changes for BCC.

The default path to the log file on Linux is /var/log/messages. The administrator might have changed this path from the default. Search for BCCD to view BCC-related messages and entries in the log file.

There are several different cluster connection states:

Table 12-1 BCC Connection States

BCC Connection State



Possible Actions



The connections between clusters are functioning normally.

None required.



BCC is in the process of authenticating to a peer cluster.

Wait until the authentication process is finished.

Invalid Credentials


You entered the wrong username or password for the selected peer cluster.

Enter the correct username and password that this cluster will use to connect to the selected peer cluster.

Cannot Connect


This cluster cannot connect to the selected peer cluster.

Ping the peer cluster to see if it is up and reachable.

Ensure that Novell Cluster Services™ is running on the servers in the peer cluster, then ensure that BCC is running on the peer clusters.

Ensure that OpenWBEM is running on the peer cluster.

Ensure that a firewall is not preventing access on OpenWBEM ports 5988 and 5989.

Ensure that the Admin file system is running. To do this, enter etc/init.d/adminfs status.

Not Authorized


The connected user does not have sufficient rights for permissions.

Assign the appropriate trustee rights to the user who will manage your BCC. For information, see Assigning Trustee Rights for the BCC Administrator User to the Cluster Objects.

Connection Unknown


The connection state between clusters is unknown.

This connection state might be caused by any number of problems, including a severed cable or link problems between geographic sites.