2. Configuration Management: New Features

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1. Global Server Replica Data Copy

We have expanded the ability to copy server replica data to any server in the project. New context menu for Driver Copy Operations

2. Global Driver Data Copy

We have added the ability to copy Log Events and Trace Level settings for a driver to any driver in the project.

3. Global DriverSet Data Copy

We have added the ability to copy Log Events and Trace Level settings for a driverset to any driverset in the project.

4. Global DriverSet GCV Copy

We have added the ability to copy DriverSet GCVs to any DriverSet in the project. New context menu for DriverSet Copy Operations We have implemented a Configuration preference that will govern the behavior of a GCV Copy operation. The user can choose to always overwrite, always merge or prompt each time. With Drivers and DriverSets we have provided a merge feature for GCV copy. This will provide the end-user the option to append GCVs to the target document instead of overwriting.

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