9. Policy Builder: What's New

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1. M5 Has Two Versions of Policy Builder

Designer 2.0 M5 ships with two versions of the Policy Builder. One Policy Builder includes the new Identity Manager 3.5 DirXML Script features. An older Policy Builder does not include these new features.

To see the new Policy Builder, all servers that are attached to your driver (via the driver set) must be be at least Identity Manager 3.5. This is the first version of Identity Manager that includes the new Policy Builder features.

If you edit any policy that has a server with a version earlier than Identity Manager 3.5, the older Policy Builder is used. In that case, the new features are not available.

The title bar displays the version of the Policy Builder.

All new features listed on this page are available only in Identity Manager 3.5 and the new Policy Builder.

2. Added "Notrace" to All <rule> <and> <or> <if> <do> and <token> Tags.

The "notrace" attribute causes the engine to not output a trace message for whichever tag the attribute is set on.

3. The Conditional <if-password> Now Has "equal" and "not-equal" Operators

<if-password> now supports the "equal" and "not-equal" operators.

4. The Conditionals <if-association>, <if-operation>, and <if-password> Now Have a Mode Attribute

<if-association>, <if-operation>, and <if-password> now support various modes for comparisons.

5. Added Operators "lt", "not-lt", "gt", and "not-gt" to Some Conditionals

The conditionals <if-association>, <if-attr>, <if-class-name>, <if-dest-attr>, <if-entitlement>, <if-global-variable>, <if-local-variable>, <if-op-attr>, <if-op-property>, <if-password>, <if-src-attr>, now support operators "lt", "not-lt", "gt", and "not-gt".

6. Added Conditional <if-xml-attr>

<if-xml-attr> is a new conditional that checks for XML attributes.

7. Added Action <do-if>

The <do-if> action was added. This action allows for a conditional to be checked and then separate actions to be run, depending on the result.

8. Added Action <do-while>

The <do-while> action was added. This action allows for a loop to be run until a conditional is false. The loop contains nested actions.

9. Added Action <do-start-workflow>

The <do-start-workflow> action was added. This action allows workflows to be started from policy script.

10. Added Optional Before Attribute to <do-append-xml-text>, <do-append-xml-element>, and <do-clone-xpath>

The <do-append-xml-text>, <do-append-xml-element>, and <do-clone-xpath> actions now have an optional Before attribute that allows you to insert the XML text before another Xpath expression that is evaluated against the original matched expression.

11. Added Scope Attribute to <do-set-local-variable>, <if-local-variable>, and <token-local-variable>

The <do-set-local-variable>, <if-local-variable>, and <token-local-variable> now have a scope that allows you to set the scope for the variable.

12. Added <arg-password>

The <arg-password> argument exists in the <do-send-email>, <do-send-email-from-template>, and <do-start-workflow> actions.

13. Added Tokens to Argbuilder

  • <Add token-base64-decode>
  • <token-base64-encode>
  • <token-char>
  • <token-time>
  • <token-convert-time>
  • <token-document>
  • <token-split>
  • <token-join>
  • <token-map>
  • <token-query>
  • <token-resolve>
  • <token-xml-parse>
  • <token-xml-serialize>
  • <token-generate-password>

14. Added "counter-use", "counter-pattern", and "on-unavailable" Attributes to <token-unique-name>

These attributes give you added versatility in <token-unique-name>.

15. Added Support for Custom SMTP Headers to <do-send-email> and <do-send-email-from-template>

In the string builder for <do-send-email> and <do-send-email-from-template>, you can now build custom SMTP headers.

16. Added Targets of DN and Association to <do-set-src-password> and <do-set-dest-password>

You can now set the password of a specific DN or association with these actions.

Other Enhancements & Bug Fixes
  1. Write Policy Checks on Version - Click here for details...
  2. Extended characters - Danish letters shown wrong. - Click here for details...
  3. Remove 'structured' mode in if-association, if-operation, if-password - Click here for details...
  4. Default mode should be 'case' in if-association, if-operation, and if-password conditions - Click here for details...
  5. Remove 'structured' mode in if-xml-attr - Click here for details...
  6. Update DTD in policy builder - Click here for details...
  7. Unnecesary warning appears when accessing Namespace Editor - Click here for details...
  8. Changes in inline editors are lost when switching to XML Source - Click here for details...
  9. Special characters (XML entity references) do not save/export/import properly - Click here for details...

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