A full suite of project checks makes sure that what you have configured makes sense for your target environment and can be successfully deployed. Designer's UI blocks the creation of unsupported objects and hides features based on the version number. Nevertheless, unsupported actions might still occur through a few “back-door” methods, such as copying and pasting, importing, and downgrading your server after you have configured for a newer environment.
In all of these methods, Project Checker catches the problems.
For example, for policy libraries to work, all of the servers on a given driver set need to be at the same Identity Manager 3.5 version. Project Checker catches problems like this where you might have an unsupported mix of servers. In this case, the project check results would look like the following figure:
Figure 5-8 Project Checker
Version problems are sorted to the top and have a version icon. If you double-click the item, you get more details about the problem and how to resolve it.