
Uses the specified URL to perform a synchronous search operation that includes a specified time limit.

LDAP Version:v3
NDS Version:7.xx or higher
Platform:NLM, Windows (NT, 95, 98, 2000, XP, Vista 32-bit and 64-bit ), Linux (32-bit and 64-bit), Solaris, AIX, and HP-UX


  #include <ldap.h>
  int ldap_url_search_st (
     LDAP             *ld,
     const char       *url,
     int               attrsonly,
     struct timeval   *timeout,
     LDAPMessage     **res);



(IN) Points to the handle for the LDAP session.


(IN) Points to the URL to use in the search operation.


(IN) Specifies whether attribute values are returned with the specified attributes.

  • 0—return attributes and values

  • 1—return only attributes


(IN) Points to a timeval structure that specifies the maximum time to wait for the results of a search to complete. It specifies both the time the server waits for the operation to complete as well as the time the local function waits for the server to respond. If the timeout parameter is set to NULL, the client timeout is infinite and the server uses the timeout value stored in the session handle option, LDAP_OPT_TIMELIMIT (whose default value is no timeout). For more information about possible values, see timeval.


(OUT) Returns a pointer to an array of result messages if the search succeeds or NULL if no results are returned.

Return Values

Returns the message ID of the search operation.


To check the results of the operation, use the ldap_result or the ldap_result2error function.

Server timeouts and size limits for this function are set using the LDAP_OPT_TIMELIMIT and LDAP_OPT_SIZELIMIT options on the LDAP handle. Client timeouts are set using the timeout parameter. This function has no client size limit.

See Also

ldap_free_urldesc, ldap_url_search, ldap_url_search_s

timeval, LDAPMessage