2.5 ldapsearch

The ldapsearch utility searches the directory for specified attributes and object classes. It has the following syntax:

      ldapsearch [options] filter [attribute list]

NOTE:On a NetWare server, the utility is called lsearch.

By default, ldapsearch will NOT follow referrals. To follow referrals, pass -C as an option. The ldapsearch utility now outputs in LDIF format, and binary attributes are printed in base64.

The filter must be an RFC-2254 compliant LDAP search filter. For more information, see LDAP Search Filters in LDAP and eDirectory.

The attribute list is a whitespace-separated list of the attributes to retrieve. The following values may replace the list:

HINT:Output from the ldap utilities is sent to stdout. If the utility exits before you can view the output, redirect the output to a file, for example, ldapsearch [options] filter [attribute list] > out.txt.

Replace options with one or more of the following:



-a <deref>

Specifies how to handle the dereferencing of an alias. It uses the following values:

  • Never—aliases are never dereferenced when locating the base object or searching.

  • Always—aliases are always dereferenced when locating the base object and searching.

  • Search—aliases are dereferenced when searching subordinates of the base object but not when locating the base object.

  • Find—aliases are dereferenced when locating the base object but not when search the subordinates of the base object.


Retrieves attribute names only (no values).

-b <basedn>

Specifies the dn of the base container where the search should begin


Prints entries in LDIF format.


Prints entries in LDIF format without comments.


Prints entries in LDIF format without comments and version.

-s <scope>

Specifies the extent of the scope and use one of the following scope values:

  • base—search base object only

  • one—search the immediate subordinates of the base object

  • sub—search the base object and all of its subordinates

-S <attr>

Sorts the results by the specified attribute.


Writes binary values to files in TMPDIR.


Writes all values to files in TMPDIR.

-T <path>

Write files to directory specified by path (default: "/tmp").


Includes User Friendly entry names in the output.


URL prefix for files.

-V <prefix>

Specifies the URL prefix for files (default: "file://tmp/").

-z <limit>

Specifies the maximum number of entries to return in the search.

Common Options



Enable referral following. (anonymous bind.)


Enable referral following. (authenticated bind with same bind DN and password.)

-d <level>

Sets LDAP debugging to the specified level.

-D <binddn>

Specifies the dn of the entry to use in bind operations.

-e <file>

Specifies the certificate file to use with an SSL bind.


Use the key file at /etc/opt/novell/certs/SSCert.der for SSL bind.

NOTE:This option works only on Cypress Linux.

-f <file>

Performs the sequence of searches listed in the specified file. Each line specifies the parameters for one search.

-h <host>

Specifies an alternate host on which the LDAP server is running.

-l <limit>

Specifies the connection and search timeout (in seconds).


enable Manage DSA IT control. (non-critical)


enable Manage DSA IT control. (critical)


Shows what would be done, but doesn’t actually search the directory.

-p <port>

Specifies an alternate TCP port on which the LDAP server is listening.

-P <version>

Specifies the LDAP version (2 or 3).


Turns on verbose mode (diagnostics to standard output).

-w <passwd>

Specifies the password to use for simple authentication


Prompts the user for bind password.


Starts TLS before binding to perform the operation. If an error occurs during the Start TLS operation the error is ignored and the operation continues. It is recommended that the -ZZ option be used in place of this option to cause the operation to abort if an error occurs.

If a port is specified with this with this option, it must accept clear text connections.

To verify the server identity, this option should be used in conjunction with the -e option to specify a server certificate file to validate the server trusted root certificate when TLS is started. If the -e option is not specified, any certificate from the server will be accepted.


Starts TLS before binding to perform the operation. If an error occurs during the Start TLS operation the operation is aborted.

If a port is specified with this with this option, it must accept clear text connections.

To verify server identity, this option should be used in conjunction with the -e option to specify a server certificate file to validate the server trusted root certificate when TLS is started. If the -e option is not specified, any certificate from the server is accepted.