
Attaches (but does not log in) an NLM to the specified server

Local Servers:blocking
Remote Servers:blocking
Classification:3.12, 3.2, 4.x, 5.x, 6.x
Service:Server-Based Connection


  #include <nwconn.h>  
  int AttachToFileServer (  
     char   *fileServerName,  
     WORD   *fileServerID); 


(IN) Specifies a string containing the name of the server to which the NLM is to be attached.
(OUT) Receives the file server ID of the newly attached server.

Return Values

If successful, this function returns 0. Otherwise, NetWareErrno is set.


AttachToFileServer attaches the NLM to the server specified by the fileServerName parameter. AttachToFileServer also sets the current connection of the calling thread (and of all threads in the same thread group) to be the new connection obtained by this function.

The fileServerName parameter is a string of no more than 48 characters, including the NULL terminator. The fileServerID parameter receives the file server ID of the attached server.

See Also
