
Returns a list of connections for a given object

Local Servers:blocking
Remote Servers:blocking
Classification:4.x, 5.x, 6.x
Service:Server-Based Connection


  #include <nwconn.h>  
  int GetConnectionList (  
     LONG    objectID,  
     LONG   lastConnection,  
     LONG   *numberOfConnections,  
     LONG   *connectionList,  
     LONG   connectionSize); 


(IN) Specifies the object for which to return connection information.
(IN) Specifies the connection number to start with (0 for the first call to this function).
(OUT) Receives the number of connections in connectionList.
(OUT) Points to an array of connection numbers for the specified object.
(IN) Specifies the maximum size allowed for connectionList.

Return Values

ESUCCESS or NetWare errors.


This function returns an array of connection numbers ( connectionList) for the object specified by objectID. The numberOfConnections parameter indicates the number of connection numbers in connectionList. The connectionSize parameter specifies the maximum size for connectionList.

Since the entire list of connections for an object might not be returned by one call, this function can be called iteratively to retrieve the entire list. For the first call, lastConnection should be 0. On subsequent calls, lastConnection should be given the last connection number in connectionList. When all connections have been retrieved, connectionList is not be completely filled.

See Also

GetConnectionNumber, GetConnectionInformation