
(NetWare 4.x) returns the maximum number of connections that were allocated at any one time on the current server since it was last brought up; (NetWare 3.12 and earlier) returns the maximum number of connections licensed for that version of NetWare at that particular site

Local Servers:nonblocking
Remote Servers:blocking
Classification:3.x, 4.x, 5.x, 6.x
Service:Server-Based Connection


  #include <nwconn.h>  
  int GetMaximumNumberOfStations (void); 

Return Values

For NetWare 4.x, this function returns the maximum number of connections allocated at one time on the current server since it was last brought into service. Therefore, as more connections are made to the current server, the number returned by GetMaximumNumberOfStations increases. So if 10 connections have been allocated since the server was brought up, but 8 of those connections have logged out, making the number of current connections only 2, this function would return the number 10.

For NetWare 3.12 and earlier, this function returns the maximum number of connections allowed by the site license for the current server.

GetMaximumNumberOfStations Example

  #include <nwconn.h>  
  int   maximumNumberOfStations;  
  maximumNumberOfStations = GetMaximumNumberOfStations ();