
Gets a user name (object ID) from an internet address

Local Servers:nonblocking
Remote Servers:N/A
Classification:3.x, 4.x, 5.x, 6.x
Service:Server-Based Connection


  #include <nwconn.h>  
  int GetUserNameFromNetAddress (  
     BYTE                    * internetAddress,  
     int                     sequenceNumber,  
     struct UserNameStruct   * userNameP); 


(IN) Specifies a 10-byte internet address.
(IN) Specifies the number of users to skip.
(OUT) Points to a structure of type UserNameStructure, which includes user name and object ID information.

Return Values

This function returns the next sequence number if successful. Otherwise, it returns a value of 0 if there are no more users with the specified address.


The net address is a 10-byte address that specifies which users are to be returned. If all users are desired, the sequence number should initially be set to zero. The next sequence number to be used is then returned by the function until all users have been found. The returned userNameP parameter points to a structure of type UserNameStruct with the following fields:

     BYTE    UserName[48]  
     LONG    ObjectID 

See Also

GetInternetAddress, IpxGetInternetworkAddress (NLM)