
Sets the elements of the LCONV structure according to the current locale setting

NetWare Server:4.x, 5.x, 6.x
Platform:NLM, Windows NT, Windows 95, Windows 98
Library:Cross-Platform Localization (LOC*.*)


  #include <time.h> or #define NWL_EXCLUDE_TIME 
  #include <stdio.h> or #define NWL_EXCLUDE_FILE 
  #include <nwlocale.h> 
  LCONV N_FAR *N_API NWLlocaleconv  ( 
    LCONV  N_FAR   *lconvPtr); 

Pascal Syntax

  uses netwin32 
  Function NWLlocaleconv 
    (lconvPtr : pLCONV 
  ) : pLCONV; 


(OUT) Points to the LCONV structure.

Return Values

Returns a pointer to the LCONV structure.


Call NWLlocaleconv to get locale information to complete tasks not provided for by other Internationalization functions. NWLlocaleconv sets the elements in the specified structure according to the currently selected locale.

NWLlocaleconv is not an exact analog to the ANSI localeconv function because NWLlocaleconv contains information that is not ANSI-specific.

For a more detailed description of the ANSI elements in the above structure, refer to the ANSI specification, ANSI X3.159-1989.

See Also

localeconv, NWLsetlocale