
Obtains information about data migration support modules

Local Servers:blocking
Remote Servers:blocking
Classification:4.x, 5.x, 6.x
Service:Server-Based Data Migration


   #include <\nlm\nit\nwdatamg.h>  
   LONG NWGetSupportModuleInfo (  
      LONG    informationLevel,  
      LONG    supportModuleID,  
      void   *returnInfo,  
      LONG   *returnInfoLen); 



(IN) Specifies the type of information requested.


(IN) Specifies the data migration support module to return information for.


(OUT) Points to the area where the information from this function is stored.


(OUT) Receives the length of the information returned.

Return Values




For cross-platform functionality, call NWGetSupportModuleInfo.

The type of information that this function returns depends on the value specified in informationLevel. The following indicates the type of information returned for each value of informationLevel:


NWGetSupportModuleInfo returns information about the data migration support module in the returnInfo parameter.


NWGetSupportModuleInfo returns a list of all loaded data migration support module ID numbers in the returnInfo parameter.

The returnInfo parameter receives a different type of structure depending on the type of information requested. If information about a particular data migration support module is requested, returnInfo receives a structure of type SUPPORT_MODULE_INFO, which is defined in \nlm\nit\nwdatamg.h as follows:

   typedef struct {  
      LONG   IOStatus;  
      LONG   InfoBlockSize;  
      LONG   AvailSpace;  
      LONG   UsedSpace;  
      BYTE   SMString;  

The IOStatus field contains the read and write access for the support module.

The InfoBlockSize field contains the size of the information block containing information about the support device. This information block follows the SMString field.

The AvailSpace field contains the amount of available space on the support module. The UsedSpace field contains the amount of used space on the support module.

The SMString contains the name of the support module and is followed by an information block. The size of SMString is limited to 128 bytes.