
Obtains the value of a NetWare server console parameter

Local Servers:blocking
Remote Servers:N/A
Classification:4.x, 5.x, 6.x


  #include <nwadv.h>  
  LONG GetSetableParameterValue  (  
     LONG   connectionNumber,   
     BYTE  *setableParameterString,   
     void  *returnValue);



(IN) Specifies the connection number of the user who wants to obtain information about server console parameters.


(IN) Points to a NULL-terminated ASCIIZ string representing the name of the server console parameter.


(OUT) Points to the value of the server console parameter.

Return Values

Returns 0 if successful, or -1 if an invalid setable parameter string was specified.


A setable parameter is a NetWare OS parameter that can be set using the SET console command (see the Utilities Reference included with the NetWare 5 release).

The value returned in the returnValue parameter depends upon the server console parameter passed into the setableParameterString parameter. Enough space should be set aside for the return value to be copied to the destination address pointed to by the returnValue parameter. The maximum size of a server console parameter is 512 bytes.

See Also

ScanSetableParameters, SetSetableParameterValue