
Logs a file into the log table and optionally locks the file

Local Servers:blocking
Remote Servers:blocking
Classification:3.x, 4.x, 5.x, 6.x
Service:Server-Based Synchronization


  #include <\nlm\nit\nwsync.h>  
  int LogFile (  
     char   *fileName,  
     BYTE    lockDirective,  
     WORD    timeoutLimit); 


(IN) Specifies the string containing filename with optional full path specification of the file to be logged (maximum 255 characters, including the NULL terminator).
(IN) Indicates if and how the file should be locked: 0x00 = Log file 0x01 = Log and lock file 0x03 = Log and lock sharable
(IN) Specifies the timeout value (valid only if lockDirective is not 0).

Return Values













Timeout limit was reached before file was available for locking.





For cross-platform functionality, call NWLogFileLock2.

A log table contains data-locking information used by a server. The server tracks this information. Whenever a file, logical record, or physical record is logged, information identifying the data being logged is placed in the log table. Normally a set of files or records are logged and then locked as a set. However, a single file or record can also be locked when it is placed in the log table.

When using log tables, an application first logs all files or records to complete a transaction. The application then attempts to lock the logged set of files or records. If some of the logged resources cannot be locked, the lock fails and none of the resources are locked. Therefore, either all of the resources needed to complete a transaction are locked or none of the resources are locked. This function cannot lock files that are exclusively locked by other applications.

When the lockDirective parameter specifies that the file should be locked when it is logged, the timeoutLimit parameter indicates how long the server should wait if it cannot lock the file immediately. The timeoutLimit parameter is specified in units of 1/18 of a second (0 means no wait).

The release functions are used to unlock a file (or set of files). The clear functions are used to unlock and remove a file (or set of files) from the log table.

SetCurrentNameSpace sets the name space which is used for parsing the path input to this function.

See Also

ClearFile, ClearFileSet, LockFileSet, ReleaseFile