
Compares two Unicode strings for differences

Local Servers:nonblocking
Remote Servers:N/A
NetWare Server:4.x, 5.x, 6.x
Platform:NLM, Windows NT, Windows95, Windows 98
Library:Cross-Platform Localization (LOC*.*)


   #include <unicode.h> 
   N_EXTERN_LIBRARY(nint) unicmp  ( 
      const unicode N_FAR  *s1,  
      const unicode N_FAR  *s2);

Pascal Syntax

   uses netwin32 
   Function unicmp 
     (s1 : const unicode;          
      s2 : const unicode          
   ) : nint;


(IN) Points to the first string to be compared.
(IN) Points to the second string to be compared.

Return Values

One of the following int values:

< 0 if s1 is less than s2

= 0 if s1 is equal to s2

> 0 if s1 is greater than s2


unicmp compares s1 to s2, starting with the first character in each string and continuing with subsequent characters until (1) the corresponding characters differ, or (2) the end of the strings is reached. The comparison is done lexicographically, using the value of the unicode character, not the collation weight.

unicmp is useful for comparing strings for equality. Do not call unicmp for sorting strings into collation order.

unicmp corresponds to the C strcmp function.

For sample code, see Section 3.13, Example: unicmp.

See Also

uniicmp, unincmp