
Specifies an input or output that adds an association value to the specified entry in the eDirectory database.


When the DirXML engine sends the driver an add command and the driver succeeds with the add, the driver sends back a success status with an <add-association> element.

The <add-association> element is used to return the unique key that identifies an entry in the external application. The DirXML engine never sends an <add-association> element to the external application. The DirXML driver can send this <element> to the DirXML engine either as an input or output.


  <!ELEMENT add-association          (#PCDATA) >
  <!ATTLIST add-association
            dest-dn         CDATA            #REQUIRED
            dest-entry-id   CDATA            #IMPLIED
            event-id        CDATA            #IMPLIED>


Specifies the distinguished name of the entry receiving the association. It should be set to the src-dn of the <add> command.
Specifies ID of the entry receiving the association. It should be set to the src-entry-id of the <add> command.
Specifies an identifier used to identify a particular instance of the command or event. It should be set to the event-id of the <add> command.

Request Format


The DirXML driver includes the following with this event:

  • dest-dn which is the src-dn of the original add command
  • dest-entry-id which is the src-entry-id of the original add command (optional, but encouraged)
  • event-id which is the event-id of the original add command
  • PCDATA which contains the foreign key that uniquely identifies this entry.

Reply Format

If the event is an input event, the DirXML engine returns a status command indicating whether the event was processed successfully.



The following example shows an <add-association> element as an output from the driver.

  <add-association dest-dn="\Users\Samuel" dest-entry-id="33974">{BC3E7155-CDF9-d311-9846-0008C76B16C2}</add-association>