
Specifies an input or output that modifies the association of the specified entry.


The modify-association event is used to notify the DirXML engine that the entry's unique key in the external application has been modified. The DirXML engine never sends a modify-association command to the external application. The DirXML driver can send this event to the DirXML engine either as an input or output event.

The DirXML driver should send this event whenever a foreign key in the external application changes for an entry that passes the event filter for either the subscriber shim or the publisher shim. For example, if the foreign key is the distinguished name of the entry and the entry's dn changes, the driver sends both a rename event and a modify-association event.


  <!ELEMENT modify-association    (association, association) >
  <!ATTLIST modify-association
             event-id         CDATA            #IMPLIED>


Specifies an identifier used to identify a particular instance of the command or event.


Specifies the old association value.
Specifies the new association value.

Request Format


The DirXML driver must include the following with this event:

  • <association> with the old key
  • <association> with the new key
  • event-id (optional)

Reply Format

If the event is an input event, the DirXML engine returns a status command indicating whether the event was processed successfully.



The following example shows a <modify-association> element sent by a driver.
