
Specifies either an output that is the response to an input or an input that contains the status of the driver.


The <status> element can be sent under the following conditions:

  • As a reply to a command or event. More than one <status> element can be returned for a command or event.
  • As a log message in an input event. The DirXML driver sends the status to the DirXML engine whenever the driver wants to log the driver's status in the DirXML log.


  <!ELEMENT status         ANY >
  <!ATTLIST status
            level          (%Status-Level;)    #REQUIRED
            event-id        CDATA              #IMPLIED>


Specifies the level of success of the command or event. It uses the following flags:
  • fatal—indicates that the driver should be shutdown
  • error—indicates that the operation did not succeed
  • warning—indicates that the operation succeeded but that an warning was logged.
  • success—indicates the operation succeeded
  • retry—indicates that the application was not responding and therefore the operation should be rescheduled for another time
If the level is error or warning, specifies the event-id of the input command and the <status> element contains text that explains the warning or error.



The following example illustrates two <status> elements.

  <!-- Example #1                                    -->
  <status event-id="0" level="success"/>
  <!-- Example #2                                        -->
  <status event-id="0" level="warning">Objects in the rear view mirror may appear closer than they are!</status>