
Specifies configuration options for the SubscriptionShim.


  <!ELEMENT subscriber-options (ANY | config-object)* >


Specifies an object or objects where additional configuration information can be obtained.



The <subscriber-options> element accepts any valid XML element and attribute tags.You are free to define tags for whatever configuration options an administrator needs to make your driver function in a specific environment. The elements and attributes can contain only text.

For example, if the driver is using LDAP to communicate with the external application, the administrator might need an option to configure the port. You could use a <port> tag with numeric text to specify the port.

Sample Option Tags

The VRTest driver uses the following options.

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> 
  <driver-config name="VRTestServer Driver">
        <server-id display-name="Server Instance Id">02</server-id>
        <allow-loopback display-name="Allow Loopback">no</allow-loopback>
        <use-filter display-name="Use Filter">yes</use-filter>
        <log-input display-name="Log Input to NDS">no</log-input>
        <save-state-each-event display-name="Save state with each event">no</save-state-each-event>

The tags under the driver-options and publisher-options are defined by the VR Test driver. The one exception is the display-name attribute. ConsoleOne uses this tag with its beginning and ending quotation marks to parse the file and display each of the configuration options for the driver, the publisher, and subscriber. If you do not include the display-name attribute, the ConsoleOne snapin displays the element name for the configuration parameter.