
Specifies a subtree in the directory that is used in matching the entry.


When the <match-path> element is specified in a <matching-rule> element, the prefix attribute is used to specify the starting point of the <query> element that is generated from the matching rule. The name space of the prefix is the destination of the add operation.

The format of the prefix is dependent upon the name space.

  • For eDirectory, the format is slash, for example, \treename\container\container. If the leading slash is omitted, the path is assumed to be relative to the tree root.
  • For the external application, the format is application dependent and must be documented by the driver writer for the system administrator.


  <!ELEMENT match-path       EMPTY>
  <!ATTLIST match-path
            prefix           CDATA            #REQUIRED>


Specifies the distinguished name of a subtree in the directory.
