9.1 Restrictions

Three of the rule types (matching, create, and placement) can be also be XML documents. When these rules are written as style sheets, they are subject to the following restrictions.

9.1.1 Matching Rule Restrictions

When matching rules are written as an XSLT style sheet, they are subject to the following restrictions:

  • Use the special value of a single Unicode character 0xFFFD to signal that multiple matches were found.
  • Can operate only on add events.
    • On the subscriber channel, the DirXML driver must add an <association> element for any matches that are found in the application.
    • On the publisher channel, the DirXML driver must fill in the dest-dn attribute of the <add> element if a match is found in eDirectory™.
  • Can remove events
  • Cannot generate extra events
  • Cannot change event types

The names of the attributes and classes are in the eDirectory name space.

9.1.2 Create Rule Restrictions

When create rules are written as an XSLT style sheet, they are subject to the following restrictions:

  • Can operate only on add events.
  • Can add attributes and values to the <add> element.
  • Can remove events (this is how an add event is vetoed).

The names of the attributes and classes are in the eDirectory name space.

9.1.3 Placement Rule Restrictions

When placement rules are written as an XSLT style sheet, they are subject to the following restrictions:

  • Can operate only on add events.
  • Must fill in the dest-dn attribute of the <add> element.
  • Can remove events.

The names of the attributes and classes are in the eDirectory name space.