4.3 Data Types

The following list describes all of the basic data types associated with File System Services:


An ADDR is a simple typedef defining an unsigned integer value that is capable of holding a pointer. Never passed over the wire.


A BYTE is a simple typedef defining an unsigned 8-bit value.


A global unique identifier, GUID, is a simple typedef defining a 128-bit identifier that is globally unique.


A Key_t is a simple typedef defining a signed 64-bit value. Used for storing keys.


A LONG is a simple typedef defining an unsigned 32-bit value.


A NINT (unsigned Native integer) is a simple typedef defining an unsigned integer value that is a minimum of 32 bits in length. If it is larger than 32 bits, no more than 32 bits of a NINT is used. On a 32-bit processor, a NINT is 32 bits and on a 64 bit processor, a NINT is 64 bits. This is to improve interactions with the memory cache. On the wire, NINTs are passed as LONGs.


A QUAD is a simple typedef defining an unsigned 64-bit value.


An SBYTE is a simple typedef defining a signed 8-bit value.


An SWORD is a simple typedef defining a signed 16-bit value.


An SLONG is a simple typedef defining a signed 32-bit value.


An SNINT (signed Native integer) is a simple typedef defining a signed integer value that is a minimum of 32 bits in length. If it is larger than 32 bits, no more than 32 bits of an SNINT is used. On a 32-bit processor, a SNINT is 32 bits and on a 64-bit processor, an SNINT is 64 bits. This is to improve interactions with the memory cache. On the wire, SNINTs are passed as SLONGs.


An SQUAD is a simple typedef defining a signed 64-bit value.


The STATUS type is a simple typedef defining a signed integer value large enough to handle the full range of values returned by any of the APIs. For a description of the various values assigned to this type, refer to the description of STATUS Codes.


This is the standard UTC time as defined by the C language.


Unicode is fast becoming an international standard for representing character sets. It uses 16 bits for each character.


The GUID that uniquely identifies a user on the system.


A regular string except the characters are encoded using the UTF-8 rules.


The GUID that uniquely identifies a volume.


A WORD is a simple typedef defining an unsigned 16-bit value.


The Xid_t is a simple typedef used for storing transaction IDs. It is defined as being an unsigned value large enough to store a transaction ID.


The Zid_t is a simple typedef used for storing ZID values. It is defined as a 64-bit unsigned value.


A structure that is used to return or modify detailed information about a file object (see zInfo_s