
This large collection contains DMSAccessRights objects.


The following table lists the properties for this class, along with access and descriptions.






Enumeration object. Implements IEnumVARIANT. (For Windows only.)



Enum( eadObjDMSAccessRightsCollection )





DMSAccessRights Add( Long RightsBitMask, AdminObject Member )

Creates a DMSAccessRights object with the given information and object properties. The value for RightsBitMask is derived from the enumerated values listed in the following table under Remarks, combined with the bitwise inclusive OR operator. This method is to be used when the collection is obtained from a DMSLibrary. The only valid objects for Member are a DistributionList or User.

DMSAccessRights Add( Long RightsBitMask, String Member, Enum( eadObjDistributionList, eadObjUser ) MemberType, [String PO], [String Dom] )

Creates a DMSAccessRights object with the given information and object properties. The value for RightBitMask is derived from the enumerated values listed in the following table under Remarks, combined with the bitwise inclusive OR operator. This method is to be used when the collection is obtained from a DMSLibrary. The only valid objects for Member are a DistributionList or User. If PO or Dom are empty, the Library’s PostOffice and Domain will be used as the default values.

DMSAccessRights Add( Long RightsBitMask, DMSLibrary Library )

Creates a DMSAccessRights object with the given information and object properties. The value for RightsBitMask is derived from the enumerated values listed in the following table under Remarks, combined with the bitwise inclusive OR operator. This method is to be used when the collection is obtained from a DistributionList or User.

DMSAccessRights Add( Long RightsBitMask, String Library, [String PO], [String Dom] )

Creates a DMSAccessRights objects with the given information and object properties. The value for RightsBitMask is derived from the enumerated values listed in the following table under Remarks, combined with the bitwise inclusive OR operator. This method is to be used when the collection is obtained from a DistributionList or a User. If PO or Dom are empty, the DistributionList’s PostOffice and Domain will be used as the default values.

DMSAccessRightsCollectionIterator CreateIterator()

Creates a DMSAccessRightsCollectionIterator object.

DMSAccessRights Item( Variant Object )

Returns the DMSAccessrights object for the given Object. If this collection is obtained from a DMSLibrary, Object must be a DistributionList or User. If this collection is obtained from a DistributionList or User, Object must be a DMSLibrary.

DMSAccessRights Item( String ObjectName, Enum( eadObjDistributionList, eadObjDMSLibrary, eadObjUser ) ObjectType )

Returns the DMSAccessrights object with the given ObjectName. If this collection is obtained from a DMSLibrary, ObjectName must be the name of a DistributionList or User. If this collection is obtained from a DistributionList or User, ObjectName must be the name of a DMSLibrary, and ObjType must be eadObjDMSLibrary.


The following enumerated values apply to the DMSAccessRightsCollection methods indicated above.




The user can add documents.


The user can delete documents.


The user can designate a document as the official version.


The user can edit documents.


The user has Librarian rights.


The user can reset a document’s In Use flag.


The user can view documents.