
This collection contains LookupTable objects.


The following table lists the properties for this class, along with access and descriptions.









Enumeration object. Implements IEnumVARIANT. (For Windows only.)



Enum( eadObjLookupTables )





LookupTable Add( String Name, [String Description], [LookupTable ParentTable], [DataTypeConstants DataType], [Long Value1], VARIANT Value2] )

Creates a LookupTable with the given Name. Description and ParentTable are optional. The only valid LookupTables for ParentTable are LookupTables that do not have a parent themselves. Also, the ParentTable must be on the same PostOffice as the LookupTable you are adding. Currently, eadDataString and eadDataNumeric are the only valid values for DataType. If DataType is omitted, eadDataString is assumed.

  • If DataType is eadDataString, Value1 is the maximum String length and Value2 is a StringCaseTypeConstants. If Value1 is omitted, 65535 is assumed. Note that Value1 must be between 1 and 65535. If Value2 is omitted, eadMixed is assumed.

  • If DataType is eadDataString, Value1 is the maximum String length and Value2 is the maximum value. If Value1 is omitted, -2147483648 is assumed. If Value2 is omitted, 2147483627 is assumed. Valid ranges for Value1 and Value2 are: -2147483648 <= Value1 <= Value2 <= 2147483647.

LookupTable Add( String Name, [String Description], String ParentTable], [DataTypeConstants DataType], [Long Value1], [VARIANT Value2] )

Creates a LookupTable with the given Name. Description and ParentTable are optional. The only valid LookupTables for ParentTable are LookupTables that do not have a parent themselves. Also, the ParentTable must be on the same PostOffice as the LookupTable you are adding. Currently, eadDataString and eadDataNumeric are the only valid values for DataType. If DataType is omitted, eadDataString is assumed.

  • If DataType is eadDataString, Value1 is the maximum String length and Value2 is a StringCaseTypeConstants. If Value1 is omitted, 65535 is assumed. Note that Value1 must be between 1 and 65535. If Value2 is omitted, eadMixed is assumed.

  • If DataType is eadDataString, Value1 is the maximum String length and Value2 is the maximum value. If Value1 is omitted, -2147483648 is assumed. If Value2 is omitted, 2147483627 is assumed. Valid ranges for Value1 and Value2 are: -2147483648 <= Value1 <= Value2 <= 2147483647.

LookupTable Item( Long Index )

Returns the LookupTable object at the specified Index in the collection.

LookupTable Item( String Name )

Returns the LookupTable with the given Name.

