3.0 Folder Properties

Each message store is comprised of folders. Folders can contain other folders and messages, which may contain attachments. Folders, messages, and attachments all have properties. Examples of properties include the subject of a message, the user ID of the recipient, and the body of a message. Each property has a type (for example, STRING8, BINARY, UNICODE) and may have one or more values which you can use to narrow the focus of the property.

To access a property, you must use the IMAPIProp interface. Because IMAPIProp is derived from IUnknown, all IUnknown methods are available. For more information, see the MAPI Programmer’s Guide.

In addition to predefined MAPI properties, MAPI allows message-class-defined properties which are in the range 68007FFF.

You can extend GroupWise functionality through the following properties for folders: