11.3 Adding Additional LDAP Directories

To add LDAP directories, include the necessary information in the ldap.cfg LDAP configuration file, as in the following sample:

#Novell WebAccess LDAP Provider Configuration File
# sample configuration
# the ".n" at the end of each field represents that all of the fields
# describe the "nth" provider as listed in this file.
######################################################################Provider.LDAP.Config.name.n   = <Name of the LDAP service>
Provider.LDAP.Config.server.n  = <IP Address or host name of the server
                                      providing the LDAP service>
Provider.LDAP.Config.port.n    = <Port of the server providing the LDAP    
                                      service (usually 389)>
Provider.LDAP.Config.maxResults.n  = <Maximum number of results to be 
Provider.LDAP.Config.timeout.n  = <Number of seconds before timing
Provider.LDAP.Config.user.n  = <User id used to authenticate to 
                                       the LDAP server>
Provider.LDAP.Config.password.n = <User password
                                      used to authenticate to LDAP server>
Provider.LDAP.Config.searchBase.n  = <Hierarchical base where search
Provider.LDAP.Config.map.n     =  <Comma delimitted list of name value
                                   pairs in the form of name=value.
                                   The name portion represents the
                                   Keyword used by the LDAP server.
                                   The value portion represents the
                                   name that appears in the template.>
Provider.LDAP.Image.url.n         = <URL of the image or logo for this
                                     LDAP service>
Provider.LDAP.Web.url.n        = <URL of the LDAP service
                                   provider’s Web site>