11.4 Specifying a Template

When a URL is clicked or form is submitted, the browser sends the action to the HTTP server which in turn calls the WebAccess servlet. If action is specified, the servlet call the providers, the generates the resulting HTML page using a template. If no template is specified, Login.htt is used.

<A href="/servlet/webacc?Provider.name=LDAP&action=Directory.Search &merge=addrBook">Login</A>
<FORM method=post action=/servlet/webacc>
<INPUT type=hidden name="Provider.name" value="GWAP">
<INPUT type=hidden name="merge" value="webacc">
<INPUT type=hidden name="action" value="User.Login">
User Id:
<INPUT type=input name="User.id" value=""><BR>
<INPUT type=password name="User.password" value=""><BR>

Provider.name is not necessary since GWAP is the default provider for the WebAccess servlet.