Loads a file known as a String Table. This has the format of a Java properties file which contains name value pairs in the form


Lines starting with the pound sign (#) are considered comments and are ignored. Blank lines are also ignored.

STRINGTABLE requires the name of the string table to load. An underscore character followed by the current language is appended to the to the file name. For example, if the template contains {STRINGTABLE strings}, the file that would be loaded if the current language were English (en) would be strings_en.properties. If this file is not found, strings.properties will be loaded.

Refer to the servlet's URL interface documentation to determine how the servlet sets the language.

If a string name appears in more that one include file, the value in the file specified by the last STRINGTABLE keyword will override any previous occurrences.

String tables can be used to facilitate localization of templates and to standardize commonly used text such as background colors, fonts, labels, etc.