1.4 SOAP Requests

GroupWise POAs accept SOAP requests using a URL. Request URLs look like the following:

http://[IP address]:port/soap or https://[IP address]:port/soap

HTTP is the GroupWise Web Service transport protocol and appears as it does when accessing a URL in a browser.


HTTPS is the secure GroupWise Web Service transport protocol. In order to use HTTPS (SSL), each POA needs to have SSL connections enabled for SOAP.

IP address

The IP address is the DNS name or the actual IP address of the POA.


The default port for GroupWise Web Services (SOAP) is 7191. This port can be changed.


Tells the POA to process the HTTP request as a SOAP request. For example, you could access a test POA with SOAP by using

In the HTTP headers, you should be familiar with the soapaction and contenttype headers.


The soapaction HTTP header field can be used to indicate the intent of the SOAP HTTP request. Soapaction is required. However, it does not need to have a value.


The contenttype HTTP header field indicates the media type of the entity body that was sent to the recipient. The value of the contenttype header should be text/xml or application/soap+xml. This field value is required.

Requests support only a charset of UTF-8. Responses return only a charset of UTF-8. Any other charset that is passed to the POA is ignored.

The following is an example of an HTTP header:

<content-type>text/xml; charset="UTF-8"</content-type> 
<user-agent>SOAP Toolkit 3.0</user-agent> 

The following is an example of a HTTP response header:

<date>Thu, 31 Aug 2012 17:51:26 GMT</date> 
<server>Windows GroupWise POA 12.0.0</server> 
<content-type>text/xml; charset=utf-8</content-type> 