1.8 LDAP Search Filters

The LDAP search filter grammar is specified in RFC 2254 and 2251. The grammar uses ABNF notation.

filter = " ( " filtercomp " ) "
filtercomp = and / or /not /item

and = "&" filterlist
   filterlist = 1*filter

or = "|" filterlist
   filterlist = 1*filter

not = "!" filterlist
   filterlist = 1*filter

item = simple/present/substring/extensible

simple = attr filtertype value
   attr =  name | name;binary
   filtertype = equal/approx/greater/less
   value = data valid for the attribute's syntax

equal = "="
approx = "~="
greater = ">="
less = "<="

present = attr "=*"
   attr =  name | name;binary

substing = attr "=" [initial] any [final]
   attr =  name | name;binary
   initial = value
   any = "*" *(value "*")
   final = value

extensible = attr [":dn"] [":" matchingrule] ":="value
            /[":dn] ":" matchingrule ":=" value
            /matchingrule = name | OID

For additional options for the attr option, see Section 4.1.5 of RFC 2251.

For additional information on the value option, see Section 4.1.6 of RFC 2251.


  • eDirectory does not support LDAP approximate (~=) matching or extensible matching rules.

  • You cannot use the dn attribute in an LDAP search filter. Filters using either distinguishedName= or dn= in the filter syntax will not function correctly.

1.8.1 Operators

Table 1-6 LDAP Filter Operators




Used for presence and equality matching. To test if an attribute exists in the directory, use (attributename=*). All entries that have the specified attribute will be returned. To test for equality, use (attributename=value). All entries that have attributename=value are returned.

For example, (cn=Kim Smith) would return entries with Kim Smith as the common name attribute. (cn=*) would return all entries that contained a cn attribute. The = operator can also be used with wildcards to find a substring, (cn=*ary*) would return mary, hillary, and gary.


Used to return attributes that are greater than or equal to the specified value. For this to work, the syntax type of the attribute must have defined a mechanism to make this comparison.

For example, (cn>=Kim Smith) would return all entries from Kim Smith to Z.


Used to return attributes that are less than or equal to the specified value. For this to work, the syntax type of the attribute must have defined a mechanism to make this comparison.

For example, (cn<=Kim Smith) would return all entries from A to Kim Smith.


Used for approximate matching. The algorithm used for approximate matching varies with different LDAP implementations.

The following boolean operators can be combined with the standard operators to form more complex filters. Note that boolean operator syntax is used different in search filters than in the C and Java programming languages, but the concepts are the same.

Table 1-7 LDAP Filter Boolean Operators

Boolean Operators



And. For example, (&(cn=Kim Smith) (telephonenumber=555-5555)) would return entries with common name of Kim Smith and a telephone number of 555-5555.


Or. For example, (|(cn=Kim Smith)(cn=Kimberly Smith)) would return entries with common name Kim Smith or Kimberly Smith.


Not. For example, (!(cn=Kim Smith)) would return entries with any cn other than Kim Smith. Note that the ! operator is unary.


Filter and Description

(cn = Kim Smith)

Returns entries with a common name of Kim Smith.

(&(cn=Kim Smith)(telephonenumber=555*)(emailaddress=*acme.com))

Returns entries with a common name of Kim Smith, a telephone number that starts with 555, and an e-mail address that ends in acme.com

(!(cn = Chris Jones))

Returns entries that do not have a common name of Chris Jones.

(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson) (| (sn=Smith) (cn=Chris S*) ) )

Returns entries that are of type inetOrgPerson with a surname of Smith or a common name beginning with Chris S.


Returns entries that are of type Country from the organization Acme, that are not countries spain or us.