
Creates a pop-up screen.

Classification:NetWare OS
Service:Screen Support


  #include <screen.h> 
  int OpenPopUpScreen (
     const char   *name,
     rtag_t        rTag, 
     scr_t        *newScrID);



(IN) Points to a null-terminated string, which gives a name to the screen.


(IN) Specifies a resource tag. See Resource Tag Signatures in Volume 2.


(OUT) Points to a handle for screen, which is used to identify the screen for most other screen operations.

Return Values

If successful, returns 0.


The OpenPopUpScreen function creates a pop-up screen for the NLM. To activate a pop-up screen, call ActivatePopUpScreen. To have the pop-up screen disappear, call EndPopUpScreen, which doesn't destroy the pop-up but puts it into a state where it exists, but is not current, and cannot be switched to from the console. You can reuse the screen by calling ActivatePopUpScreen. To close and destroy the pop-up, call CloseScreen.

Pop-up screens are useful for alerts, dialogs, and reporting errors—anytime a reduced amount of information and interaction is temporarily needed. A pop-up is identical in size to all other screens.

The pop-up screens created with the OpenPopUpScreen function can be managed only with NetWare OS functions. For example, your application's stdin and stdout are not mapped to this screen, and therefore you cannot use standard functions for input or output. Use the following types of functions:

  • To obtain input from the screen, use GetKey.

  • To send output to the screen, use OutputToScreen.

You create a resource tag (rTag) for a pop-up with the AllocateResourceTag function, with the signature set to ScreenSignature.

See Also