38.6 Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS)

The NetWare Winsock 2 libraries support the TCP/IP and IPX/SPX protocols . For more information about using these protocols with Winsock, see the Winsock Annexes.

Winsock 2 on NetWare provides TLS structures, but all TLS structures are converted to the SSL protocol. For more information about TLS, see RFC 2246. TLS incorporates the SSL 3.0 Protocol Specification but includes additional functionality (such as different certificate types) and will be the preferred security method. The Winsock TLS Service Provider uses Novell International Cryptographic Infrastructure (NICI) technology for all cryptographic functionality.

The novsock2.h file provides parallel definitions for SSL and TLS so that your code can continue to function without requiring any changes.

For more information about creating server certificates for use with your Winsock SSL/TLS application, see “Creating Server Certificate Objects” in the Managing Novell Certificate Server chapter under “Server Certificate Object Tasks” located at Novell Certificate Server .

38.6.1 WSASocket

When a socket is created by calling WSASocket, TLS security can be enabled on a socket by specifying SECURITY_PROTOCOL_TLS in the iSecurityScheme field of the PROTOCOL_INFO structure.

If you are going to use the socket with the TransmitFile function, you must pass in the WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED bit in the dwFlagsParameter. On NetWare, the TransmitFile function only works with overlapped sockets.