
Returns information about NetWare server console parameters.

Classification:NetWare OS
Service:NetWare Platform


  #include <netware.h> 
  int ScanSettableParameters (
     int           scanCategory,
     uint32_t     *scanSequence,
     const char   *name,
     int          *type,
     uint32_t     *flags,
     int          *category,
     void         *description,
     void         *value,
     int          *lowerLimit,
     int          *upperLimit);



(IN) Specifies the category for which to return settable parameter information. See Remarks for the various values to which it can be set.


(IN/OUT) Points to a value to use if calling this function iteratively. On the first call, this parameter should be set to 0. On subsequent calls, use the value returned in this parameter. When all information has been returned, this parameter returns -1 (unsuccessful).


(IN/OUT) Points to or receives the name of a settable parameter or category name (an ASCIIZ string):

  • Input if scanCategory is -2 or -5.

  • Category name if scanCatergory is -3.


(OUT) Points to the type of the settable parameter. For possible values, see Section 30.5, Settable Parameter Types.


(OUT) Points to a value indicating when and who can modify the parameter. For possible values, see Section 30.4, Settable Parameter Flags.


(OUT) Points to the settable parameter category.


(OUT) Points to the description of a settable parameter (an ASCIIZ string).


(OUT) Points to the value (a number or string, depending on type) to which the settable parameter is currently set. Receives the size of the current value, rather than the value itself if scanCategory is set to -2.


(OUT) Points to the lower limit of the settable parameter.


(IN/OUT) Points to the upper limit of the settable parameter. (Input if scanCategory is -4 or -5; must be at least 512 bytes.)

Return Values

If successful, returns 0; otherwise, returns a negative value.


The ScanSettableParameters function returns information about settable parameters. A settable parameter is a NetWare OS parameter that can be set using the SET console command.

The ScanSettableParameters is actually a macro for SetSetableParameter, which is the name that appears in the NetWare debugger.

The scanCategory parameter defines what information the function returns. This parameter can have one of the following values:




Scan category by number. Replace 0 with a category number. For example, NetWare 5.x has categories 1 through 15; NetWare 6.x has categories 1 through 14. To scan all parameters in a category, set scanSequence to 0 on the first call.


Scan all categories. To scan all parameters in all categories, set scanSequence to 0 on the first call.


Scan selected set parameter (name is input and points to a parameter name string).


Return category names (the scanSequence parameter is input and points to a value of a category name for which the name string is returned in the name pointer.)


Fill a buffer pointed to by value with information about the next parameter by sequence number as pointed to by scanSequence. To return information iteratively about all parameters, set scanSequence to 0 on the first call. (See below for explanation of the buffer.)


Fill a buffer pointed to by value with information about a parameter as specified by name with the name pointer. (See below for explanation of the buffer.)

If scanCategory is -4 or -5, this function returns information into a buffer pointed to by value. The buffer must be at least 512 bytes. Novell does not provide a parser for this buffer, which is filled in the following order:

  long          paramType 
  long          category 
  long          flags 
  string        parameterName  /* A null-terminated string */ 
  string/long   parameterValue /* Could be long or null-terminated string */

The paramType segment contains a value that describes the data type of the settable parameter. For possible values, see Section 30.5, Settable Parameter Types.

The category segment contains a value that corresponds to those of the category parameter.

The flags segment contains a value that indicates when and who can modify the parameter. For possible values, see Section 30.4, Settable Parameter Flags

The parameterName segment contains a string that names the parameter.

The parameterValue segment contains either a long or a string, depending upon the parameter type as returned in the paramType segment.