
Is used by zinfo_t and contains information about the number of names in the variableData area.

Defined In:fshooks.h


     size_t   numEntries;
     off_t    fileNameArray;
  } names;



Specifies the number of array entries that are valid in the fileNameArray.


Specifies an index to an array of indices that are each an index into the variableData section that references a Unicode string. This array is allocated in the variableData section and is indexed by the name space ID. If the file object has a name that is valid in a given name space, the array slot corresponding to that name space ID is filled in with an index to the Unicode string for that name. If the file object does not have a valid name in a given name space, the array slot is set to zero.

For example, if numEntries is set to 5, then slots 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the fileNameArray are initialized to either contain zero or an index to a Unicode string. The name is also stored in the variableData section. If the same identical name is shared by more than one name space, it is stored in the variableData area only once, but multiple array elements are set to index to the shared string, one for each name space that is sharing the name.


This structure is ignored by the FSHOOK_TYPE_MODIFYINFO_REPORT event.