
Contains information about the environment of a newly spawned VM.

Service:NKS Virtual Machine


  #include <nks/vm.h>
  typedef struct 
     NXObjType_t   ssType;
     int           ssReserved; 
     NXPathCtx_t   ssPathCtx;
     void         *ssPath; 
  } NXNameSpec_t, NXStreamSpec_t;



(IN) Specifies the type of object, which can be a file, FIFO, or console. For the defined flags, see NXObjType_t Enumeration in Volume 1.


(IN) Currently unused. Set to 0.


(IN) Specifies the parent context of path. For a FIFO or console, set this to 0. For a file, you can set this to 0 if ssPath contains the full path to the file. To create a path context, see NXCreatePathContext in Volume 1.


(IN) Points to the rest of the path or a name. For files, in conjunction with ssPathCtx, it specifies the complete path to the file. For FIFOs and consoles, it specifies only the name.

To use the system stdin, stdout, or stderr, set ssPath to NULL and ssPathCtx to 0.


The string type for the ssPath parameter depends upon the string type set for the VM: ASCIIZ, UFT-8, or Unicode.

For files, the path format (Unix, Windows, NKS, etc.) depends upon the name space set in the path context. If ssPathCtx is 0, the path format you use determines your name space.