
Is a prototype for a shutdown and exit function.

Service:NetWare Platform


  #include <netware.h> 
  void _NonAppStop ( void );


_NonAppStop is an opportunity to clean up resources allocated by your NLM after its _NonAppStart function was called and during execution. When your _NonAppStop function returns, any unfreed resources result in the NetWare operating system displaying a list of errors corresponding to those resources, in particular unfreed memory. LibC cleans up complex resources such as threads, stacks, and instance data if you supply a main function (and specify _LibCPrelude to the linker via the START option), but any resources allocated via direct calls to the NetWare operating system (such as the functions in netware.h, event.h, and related interface headers) must be cleaned up expressly by _NonAppStop or before.

You should specify _LibCPostlude to the linker via the EXIT option.

See Also