
Finds and returns the name of the CA for the current tree (formerly NWPKIFindOrganizationalCA).


    #include "npki.h"
    NWRCODE NPKIFindOrganizationalCA(
       const NPKIContext    context,
       unicode const      **objectDN);


(IN) Specifies the NPKI context for the request.
(OUT) Points to a Unicode* string that contains the name of either the organizational CA or the security container.

Return Values

Returns 0 if successful, or an eDirectory or PKI error code if unsuccessful. If the function returns 0, objectDN contains the name of the organizational CA. If the routine returns an error code of PKI_E_NO_TREE_CA, objectDN contains the security container’s name. Any other error causes objectDN to be invalid.


If CA cannot be found, this function returns the name of the security container.

See Also

NPKICreateOrganizationalCA, NPKISetTreeName