12.4 MyInfo

The MyInfo component creates MyInfo object that can be used to keep track of personal information such as, the site administrator's name, address, and display choices. Unlike other NSN components you can set the values and create the properties directly using Novell Script for NetWare. If you have not set any value, the property returns an empty string.

12.4.1 Creating Properties

You can create new MyInfo properties by simply assigning a string value to the properties.

Create new property for values that remain consistent throughout a site.


 MyInfo.<Property Name> = "Variable As Sting"

where Property Name is the name of the property you want to create.


This example creates new properties CarName, CarBrand, and CarColor. These properties are stored along with the other MyInfo properties.

 <% Set MyInfo = CreateObject ("MSWC.MyInfo")
     MyInfo.CarName = "Matiz"
     MyInfo.CarBrand = "Daewoo"
     MyInfo.CarColor = "OffWhite" 
     response.write "My car details: <HR> CarName: 
     &MyInfo.CarName &"<BR> CarBrand:" &MyInfo.CarBrand "<BR> 
     CarColor:" &Myinfo.CarColor 


If you have not assigned any value to the property, it returns NULL.