3.6 Effective Rights Table

The Effective Rights table is a special table. It does not represent an eDirectory object class. It represents the rights that the objects in the eDirectory tree have to the objects in the branch of the eDirectory tree specified by the data source. The rights are calculated by treating each object in the tree as a trustee of each object in the container and its subcontainers and as a trustee of each of those object’s attributes. The following equation gives an estimate of the total number of rows in this table:

 (# of objects in the data source context) x 
 (# of objects in the tree) x 
 (average number of mandatory & optional attributes per object class)

As the equation shows, the number of rows in the effective rights table is extremely large for even a small table. A table for a tree with 20 objects in the data source context, 100 objects in the tree and an average of 50 attributes per object class would have approximately 100,000 rows. You will almost always need to use a where clause to restrict the number of rows returned by your queries of the Effective Rights table.

The table below lists and defines each of the columns in the Effective Rights table. Notice that this table does not include the NDS_Tree, NDS_Context, or NDS_FullName.

Table 3-7 Details of the Effective Rights Table

Column Name

SQL Data Type


Object Name


The full name of the object for which the trustee has rights. Values for object name include all of the objects in the context specified by the data source.

Object Class


The class of the object for which the trustee has rights.

Trustee Name


The full name of the object that has rights to the object specified by the Object Name column. Values for trustee name include the names of all objects in the directory.

Trustee Class


The class of the trustee object.



The name of the protected attribute. A value of [entry rights] indicates the rights are for the object itself. A value of [all attributes] indicates the rights are applied to all attributes.



An integer whose value represents the combination of the individual privileges that are granted.

Add Self


The trustee has rights to add or remove itself as an attribute value. This right is used only for attributes that contain object names as values, such as lists of group members or mailing lists.



The trustee has the right to see object in the NDS tree.



The trustee has the the right to compare the values of an attribute.



The trustee has the right to create a new object in the NDS tree. This right is available only for container objects.



The trustee has the right to delete the object from the NDS tree.



The trustee has the the right to read and compare the values of an attribute. The Read right implies the Compare right.



The trustee has the right to change the name of the object.



The trustee has all rights to the object, all of the object's attributes, or a specific attribute.



The trustee has the right to add, change, or remove any values of the attribute. The Write property right implies the Add Self property right.

For example query statements and their results, see