4.12 Simple Update Queries

You can update the NDS Data Source using simple insert, update and delete SQL queries. To update the Data Source, you should have rights to write onto Novell eDirectory.

Note that:

4.12.1 Insert

The following SQL statement enables you to add an user object to the NDS Data Source:

 INSERT into UserNDS (Surname, Nds_Name, UID) values (’Duke’, ’Luke’, 8)

4.12.2 Update

The following SQL statement enables you to modify an user object in the NDS Data Source:

 UPDATE UserNDS SET Surname = ’Kuke’, UID = UID + 20 WHERE Nds_Name LIKE ’%uke’

4.12.3 Delete

The following SQL statement enables you to delete an user object from the NDS Data Source:

 DELETE FROM UserNDS WHERE Nds_Name = ’Luke’ OR UID > 7