// Sample code file: Chat.java

// Warning: This code has been marked up for HTML

   Copyright (c) 2000 Novell, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.


package com.novell.Chat;

//Java imports
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.beans.PropertyVetoException;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.Icon;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.net.URL;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.text.MessageFormat;

// ConsoleOne imports
import com.novell.application.console.snapin.*;
import com.novell.application.console.snapin.context.*;
import com.novell.application.console.snapin.scope.*;
import com.novell.application.console.util.objectentryselector.ObjectEntrySelector;
import com.novell.utility.nmsgbox.*;

// NDSNamespace and common library imports
import com.novell.admin.ns.*;
import com.novell.admin.ns.nds.*;
import com.novell.admin.common.exceptions.*;
import com.novell.admin.common.ui.*;
import com.novell.admin.common.snapins.*;

 * This class maintains the needed global information that is used by Chat.
 * It creates and distroys the clients and servers used during the chatting
 * process and contains the methods used to interface with NDS.
public class Chat implements ChatStatusListener, VetoableSnapinListener 
     * Only one instance of this class should exist.  This single
     * instance is kept here.  Having just one instance allows for
     * all snapins in this package to have access to the same set
     * of data.  This way an instance of the class doesn't have to
     * be passed from class to class.
    private static Chat instance;
     * This is the resource that holds all the localized text for this snapin.
    public static final ResourceBundle chatRes = ResourceBundle.getBundle("com.novell.Chat.resources.ChatResourceBundle");    
     * Snapin event raised when Chat is initialized.
    public static final String EVENT_INIT_COMPLETE = "Chat Init Complete";
     * The class name given to the Chat Room object.
    public static final String CHATROOM_TYPE = "Chat Room";
    //  Theses are the names of the attribute which are created for the 
    //  Chat Room and user classes.
     * Name of the attribute used to hold the IP Address of a Chat Room.
    public static final String ATTRIBUTE_IP = "ChatRoomIPAddress";
     * Name of the attribute used to hold the Port of a Chat Room.
    public static final String ATTRIBUTE_PORT = "ChatPort";
     * Name of the attribute used to hold the name of the owner of a Chat Room.
    public static final String ATTRIBUTE_OWNER = "ChatRoomOwner";
     * Name of the attribute used to hold the List of users in a Chat Room.
    public static final String ATTRIBUTE_USERLIST = "ChatRoomUserList";
     * Name of the attribute used to hold the list of preferred users for a user object.
    public static final String ATTRIBUTE_USER_PREFS = "ChatPreferredUsers";
     * Name of the attribute used to hold the port of a user.
    public static final String ATTRIBUTE_USER_PORT = "ChatUserPort";
     * These are the colors that are used when displaying the user name of a user
     * that is chatting.
    static final Color[] nameColors = new Color[]{Color.blue, Color.red, Color.green, 
                                                  Color.orange, Color.magenta, Color.cyan, 
                                                  Color.darkGray, Color.pink, Color.lightGray, 
     * This is the default port to be used for chat room servers.
    public static final int DEFAULT_PORT = 5000;
     * This is the default port to be used for user-to-user chatting.
    public static final int USER_PORT = 4000;
     * The maximum number of times to increment the port value
     * while trying to create a socket.
    public static final int PORT_MAX = 15;
     * Reference to the ConsoleOne Shell.
    Shell shell;  
     * Reference to the NDS Namespace.
    NDSNamespace nds;    
     * The list of listeners who have been added to this class.
    Vector listeners = new Vector();
     * List of all of the valid schema trees.
    Vector validSchemaList =  new Vector();
     * A list of all of the new attributes used by this snapin.
     * Used to make sure the schema is valid before attempting to access
     * on of these attributes.
    Vector newAttributes = new Vector();
     * A cache of the user's identities for each tree it is authenticated to.
     * ChatUser objects are stored in this table.
    Hashtable identityCache = new Hashtable();
     * A cache of the OnLineUsersDialogs that are associated with
     * each authenticated user.
     * The online chat user's dialog allows the user to monitor what
     * other users are online.  It is global so that it can be redisplayed
     * without having to reload.
    Hashtable onLineUserDlgCache = new Hashtable();
     * Holds a cache of all previously access icons to avoid reloading
     * the same icons.
    Hashtable iconCache = new Hashtable();
     * A list of all of the connections currently active.
     * Both Server and Client.
    Hashtable connectionList = new Hashtable();
     * True when the server is listening for connections.
    boolean listening = false;            
     * True once chat is inititialized.
    boolean initialized = false;
    //For giving rights to a trustee for an object, use these:
    private final static int RIGHTS_BROWSE =     0x00000001;
    private final static int RIGHTS_ADD =        0x00000002;
    private final static int RIGHTS_DELETE =     0x00000004;
    private final static int RIGHTS_RENAME =     0x00000008;
    private final static int RIGHTS_SUPERVISOR = 0x00000010; //16
    private final static int RIGHTS_INHERITABLE =0x00000040; //64
    private final static int ALL_OBJ_RIGHTS  =   0x0000001F; //31

    //For giving right too a trustee for an objects particular attribute, use these:
    private final static int ATT_RIGHTS_COMPARE =    0x00000001;
    private final static int ATT_RIGHTS_READ =       0x00000002;
    private final static int ATT_RIGHTS_WRITE =      0x00000004;
    private final static int ATT_RIGHTS_SELF =       0x00000008;
    private final static int ATT_RIGHTS_SUPERVISOR = 0x00000020; //32
    private final static int ATT_RIGHTS_INHERITABLE =0x00000040; //64
    private final static int ALL_PROP_RIGHTS =       0x0000002F; //47
    //                     M E T H O D S
     * Use this to method to get the single instance of this class.
     * Only one instance of this class should ever exist.  This single
     * instance is kept here.  Having just one instance allows for
     * all snapins in this package to have access to the same set
     * of data.  This way an instance of the class doesn't have to
     * be passed from class to class.
     * @return The single instance of the Chat instance.
    public static Chat getInstance()
        //Creates it the first time it's called.
        if(instance == null)
            instance = new Chat();
            //This is a list of all of the new attributes associated with this snapin.
            //When an attribute value is to be altered, this list is checked to see if
            //it is one of these attributes.  If it is, then it will check to make sure
            //that the schema has been extended to include that attribute.
        return instance;
     * Starts a thread that searches for the NDS Namespace.  Once NDS
     * is found, the identity of the user that is authenticated to each
     * tree is identified.  A ChatServer is then started for each of
     * these users in order to listen for Chat requests.
    public void initialize()
        new InitializeChat();   
     * Called when ConsoleOne is being shutdown.  
     * This method will clean up any unfinished business. 
    public void shutDown()
        //First we clear all connections but the servers for Chat Rooms
        Enumeration connections = connectionList.elements();
            ChatConnection connection = (ChatConnection)connections.nextElement();
        //Now we handle the Chat Rooms
        //When a user who is acting as the server for a chat room shuts down
        //ConsoleOne, someone else must take the role as server or the chat
        //room will stop functioning.  This will attempt to transfer the 
        //chat room's server to another user that is present in the chat room.
        connections = connectionList.elements();
            ChatConnection connection = (ChatConnection)connections.nextElement();
            ObjectEntry room = connection.getObjectEntry();
            if(room != null)
                //Get the users that are in the room
                String[] users = getMultiValuedAttribute(room, ATTRIBUTE_USERLIST);   
                //Now try to transfer the server                   
                //If no transfer occurs, then the connection attributes will be deleted
                //leaving the chat room open to who ever enters it next.
                if(users == null || !serverTransfer((ChatServer)connection, room, users, users.length - 1))
                    //delete IP, Port, and user list           
                    if(setAttributeValue(room, ATTRIBUTE_IP, null, false))
                        if(setAttributeValue(room, ATTRIBUTE_PORT, null, false))
                            if(setAttributeValue(room, ATTRIBUTE_USERLIST, null, false))
                                //Open the rights so the next user can gain control when
                                //he enters the room.
                                changeTrustee(room, null);
            //now close the connection to the room
        //Deletes the ATTRIBUTE_PORT value from each user identity.
        Enumeration users = identityCache.elements();
            ChatUser user = (ChatUser)users.nextElement();
                ObjectEntry usersOE = nds.getObjectEntry(user.getFullName());                
                setAttributeValue(usersOE, ATTRIBUTE_USER_PORT, null, false);
            catch(SPIException e)
                NSPIExceptionMsgBox msg = new NSPIExceptionMsgBox(shell, e, chatRes.getString("Port Attribute Clear Error"));
        //Remove this class from the listener list.            
     * Transfers a Chat Room server from this user to a user in the Chat Room User's List.
     * @param server The ChatServer to transfer.
     * @param roomOE The ObjectEntry of the Chat Room being transfered.
     * @param users The list of users that are present in the chat room.
     * @param index The index to the user in the list to transfer the server to.
     * @return True if the transfer was successfull.
    boolean serverTransfer(ChatServer server, ObjectEntry roomOE, String[] users, int index)
        if(users != null && index >= 0)
            //Get the Fullname and the address key for the user that will become the server.
            String fullName = null;
            int index1 = users[index].indexOf('|');
            int index2 = 0;
            String key = users[index].substring(0, index1);
                index2 = users[index].indexOf('|', index1);
                if(index2 != -1)
                    index1 = index2 + 1;
            }while(index2 != -1);
            fullName = users[index].substring(index1);
            //Change the trustee asignments so the new user will have write priviledges
            //to the room.       
            changeTrustee(roomOE, null);  
            //Requests the new user to take the Chat Room
                //Now change the trustee assignments so that the container does not have write 
                //priviledges to the room, only the owner and the new server.
                changeTrustee(roomOE, fullName);  
                //Tells all of the users in the room to reconnect to the new
                //Chat Room Server.
                return true;
            if(index >=0)        
                return serverTransfer(server, roomOE, users, index);   
        return false;
     * Returns a reference to the NDSNamespace.
     * @return The NDSNamespace.
    public NDSNamespace getNDSNamespace()
        //Tries to get a reference to the NDS Namespace
        if(nds == null)
             nds = (NDSNamespace)shell.getNamespaceSnapin(NDSNamespace.name);
        if(nds == null)
            System.err.println("Looking for NDS.");
        return nds;   
     * Returns the reference to the shell.
     * @return The ConsoleOne Shell.
    public Shell getShell()
        return shell;
     * Sets the shell reference.
     * @param shell The consoleone shell.
    public void setShell(Shell shell)
        this.shell = shell;      
        //We will be informed when objects are deleted so that we can
        //watch for the deletion of Chat Rooms.
        this.shell.addVetoableSnapinListener(this, new String[]{NSObjectEvent.VETO_DEL_EVENT});
     * Displays a dialog with the given error message.
     * @param message The error message to display.
    public void errorDialog(String message)
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(shell.getShellFrame(), message, chatRes.getString("Chat"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);        
     * Get's the color associated with the given color code index.
     * Used for the color of the user names.
     * @param colorCode The index to the color to use.
     * @return The color.
    public Color getNameColor(int colorCode)
        //Accounts for role overs.
        while(colorCode >= nameColors.length)
            colorCode -= nameColors.length;
        return nameColors[colorCode];        
     * Displays the Online Users Dialog.  If more than one user has been used to
     * authenticate to NDS, then the user will be asked which User object to use
     * for the list of Online users to monitor.
    public void showOnlineUsersDialog()
            OnlineUsersDlg dlg = null;
            ChatUser chatUserToUse = null;
            ObjectEntry userToUse = null;
            String userToUseName = null;
            //If there are more than one user, then the user must select which one to use.
            if(identityCache.size() > 1)
                userToUseName = ChooseUserDlg.get(getShell().getShellFrame(), identityCache);
                if(userToUseName != null)
                    //First try to get it from the cache
                    dlg = (OnlineUsersDlg)onLineUserDlgCache.get(userToUseName);   
                    //If it fails, then it will have to be loaded
                    if(dlg == null)
                        userToUse = nds.getObjectEntry(userToUseName);
                        dlg = new OnlineUsersDlg(userToUse);   
                        onLineUserDlgCache.put(userToUseName, dlg);  //now store it in the cache
            //If there is only one user, then that one will be used.
            else if(identityCache.size() == 1)
                Enumeration users = identityCache.elements();
                chatUserToUse = (ChatUser)users.nextElement();
                //First try to get it from the cache
                dlg = (OnlineUsersDlg)onLineUserDlgCache.get(chatUserToUse.getFullName());   
                //If it fails, then it will have to be loaded    
                if(dlg == null)
                    dlg = new OnlineUsersDlg(chatUserToUse.getObjectEntry());   
                    onLineUserDlgCache.put(chatUserToUse.getFullName(), dlg);
        catch(SPIException e)
            NSPIExceptionMsgBox msg = new NSPIExceptionMsgBox(shell, e, chatRes.getString("User List Attribute Error"));
     * Uses the key to find a reference to the ChatServer.
     * @param key The IP:Port combination that references the ChatServer desired.
     * @return The ChatServer, or null if not found.
    public ChatServer getServer(String key)
        Object obj = connectionList.get(key);
        if(obj instanceof ChatServer)
            return (ChatServer)obj;
        return null;        
     * Checks to see if Chat has been initialized.
     * @return True when Chat has been initialized.
    public boolean isInitialized()
        return initialized;   
     * Finds the identity of the user that is authenticated 
     * to the tree the given ObjectEntry is from.
     * @param sameTreeOE An object entry in the tree where the user
     *                   is authenticated.
     * @return The ChatUser Object for the found user.
    public ChatUser getUserIdentity(ObjectEntry sameTreeOE)
        ChatUser chatUser = null;        
            if(sameTreeOE != null)
                //Get the tree name from the ObjectEntry
                String fullName = sameTreeOE.getFullName();  
                String tree = sameTreeOE.getRoot().getName();                                
                System.out.println("Getting Identity for tree " + tree);
                // Once the user's identity is found, it is stored in a table under 
                // the tree name it belongs to.  To avoid repetition, we will first
                // check the table to see if it has already been found.
                chatUser = (ChatUser)identityCache.get(tree);
                if(chatUser == null)
                    //Get the user's OE
                    ObjectEntry userOE = ((AuthenticationNamespace)getNDSNamespace()).getAuthenticatedIdentity(sameTreeOE);
                    if(userOE != null)
                        //Get the IP Address this user is using
                        String userIPAddress = getIPAddress(userOE, chatRes.getString("Select IP Message"));
                        if(userIPAddress != null)
                            //Get information about the user
                            String userName = userOE.getName();
                            String userFullName = userOE.getFullName();                                                            
                            //Create the ChatUser object to hold all this information.
                            chatUser = new ChatUser(userOE, userName, userFullName, userIPAddress);
                            //Put the new identity in the cache
                            identityCache.put(tree, chatUser);
                            userOE = null;
         catch(SPIException e)
             NSPIExceptionMsgBox msg = new NSPIExceptionMsgBox(shell, e, chatRes.getString("User Identity Error"));
         return chatUser;
     * Checks to see if the given chat room owner is this user.
     * @param owner The chat room's owner to check for in the list.
     * @return True if it is in the identity cache.
    public boolean isRoomOwner(String owner)
        Enumeration identities = identityCache.elements();
            ChatUser user = (ChatUser)identities.nextElement();
            String name = nds.getUnrootedName(user.getObjectEntry());
                return true;
        return false;

     * Finds the identity of the user that is authenticated 
     * to each tree under the root.  A ChatServer is then started for each 
     * of these users in order to listen for Chat requests.
     * @param listen True if the new servers should begin listening immediatly.
    public void findAuthenticatedIdentities(boolean listen)
        listening = listen;
            //Gets the root object entries in the NDS Tree. 
            //An ObjectEntry from the tree is needed to get the user's
            ObjectEntry[] rootEntries = ((NamespaceSnapin)getNDSNamespace()).getInitialObjectEntries();   
            System.out.println("OEs at root:  " + rootEntries.length);    
            //Cycles through these entries looking for the 'Top' of the trees.
            for(int i = 0; i < rootEntries.length; i++)
                System.out.println("Examining OE " + rootEntries[i].getName());
                //The root of the tree won't have a parent.
                if(rootEntries[i].getParent() == null)
                    //Gets the user identity associated with this tree.
                    ChatUser user = getUserIdentity(rootEntries[i]);
                    //Creates the chat server and then starts it.
                    if(user != null)
                        ChatServer chatServer = createChatServer(USER_PORT, user, 0);
                        if(chatServer != null)  //Will equal null if it fails.
                            if(chatServer.getPort() != -1)
                                //start the server listening for connections
                                //Record in NDS the Port this user is listening at.
                                setAttributeValue(user.getObjectEntry(), ATTRIBUTE_USER_PORT, new Integer(chatServer.getPort()), false);
                                //Store this server in our list of connections.
                                connectionList.put(chatServer.getKey(), chatServer);  
        catch(SPIException e)
            NSPIExceptionMsgBox msg = new NSPIExceptionMsgBox(shell, e, chatRes.getString("User Identity Error"));
        catch (SnapinException e)
                        NMsgBox msg = new NMsgBox(shell.getShellFrame(), chatRes.getString("SnapinException"), chatRes.getString("User Identity Error") + "\n" + e.getMessage(), NMsgBox.ERROR);
     * Gets the given user's IP address.
     * If two IP addresses are found, the user will be asked 
     * to choose which one to use.  
     * @param oe   The ObjectEntry of the user to find the IP address for.
     * @param when Explains what the IP address will be used for.
     * @return The given user's IP address.
    public String getIPAddress(ObjectEntry oe, String when)
        String ipAddress = null;
        //Get all of the IP address for this user.
        Vector ipList = getIPAddresses(oe);
        //If there's more than one, allow the user to select which one to use.
        if(ipList.size() > 1)
            removeServerIP(oe, ipList);
            if(ipList.size() > 1)
                ipAddress = ChooseIPDialog.getIP(getShell().getShellFrame(), oe.getName(), when, ipList);
                ipAddress = (String)ipList.firstElement();
        else if(ipList.size() == 1)
            ipAddress = (String)ipList.firstElement();
        return ipAddress;
     * Finds all of the IP addresses for the given user.
     * @param oe The ObjectEntry of the user to find the IP address for.
     * @return A list of the user's IP addresses.
    public Vector getIPAddresses(ObjectEntry oe)
        Vector ipAddresses = new Vector();
        if(oe != null)
            //Get the IP addresses
            String[] hexIPs = getMultiValuedAttribute(oe, "Network Address");
            if(hexIPs == null)
                    chatRes.getString("No IP Address 1") + oe.getFullName() + ".\n" + 
                    chatRes.getString("No IP Address 2"), chatRes.getString("Chat"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
                for(int i = 0; i < hexIPs.length; i++)
                    //IP's with length > 15 are IPX
                    if(hexIPs[i].length() <= 15)           
                        //Convert the Hex IP returned from NDS to Decimal and then store it.
                if(ipAddresses.size() == 0)
                        chatRes.getString("IPX Message 1") + oe.getFullName() + ".\n" + 
                        chatRes.getString("IPX Message 2"), 
                        chatRes.getString("Chat"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
        return ipAddresses;
     * When authenticating to NDS, the server's IP address is sometimes included
     * in the user's Network Address attribute along with the user's real IP address.
     * This method will remove the server's IP address from the IP address list.
     * @param oe The entry the IP addresses are for.
     * @param ipList The list of IP addresses.
    void removeServerIP(ObjectEntry oe, Vector ipList)
        ObjectEntry serverOE = null;
        //The entries Message Server attribute contains the name of the server
        //this user is authenticated to.
        String serverName = getAttributeValueAsString(oe, "Message Server");
        if(serverName != null)
            String tree = oe.getRoot().getName();            
            serverName = tree + "/" + serverName;
            //We'll now get the ObjectEntry for that server
                serverOE = nds.getObjectEntry(serverName);
            }catch(SPIException e)
                System.err.println("SPIException in Chat.removeServerIP():  " + e.getMessage());
            if(serverOE != null)
                //Now we'll compare the IP address of the server to the list from the user.
                String[] ips = getMultiValuedAttribute(serverOE, "Network Address");
                if(ips != null)
                    for(int i = 0; i < ips.length; i++)
                        if(ips[i].length() < 15)
                            ips[i] = ips[i].substring(4);
                            String decIP = convertHexIP(ips[i]);
                            Enumeration enum = ipList.elements();
                                String ip = (String)enum.nextElement();
                                    //Once a match is found, it will be removed and we can exit.
    * The Network Address obtained from NDS uses a Hex format.  We must
    * convert that format to decimal so that it can be recognized by
    * the sockets.
    * @param netAddress The Hex Net Address.
    * @return The IP Address in decimal.
    private String convertHexIP(String netAddress)
        String newAddress = new String();
        for(int i = 1; i < netAddress.length(); i+=2)
            String hexChar = netAddress.substring(i,i+2);
            Integer dec = (new Integer(0)).valueOf(hexChar, 16);
            newAddress += dec.toString() + ".";
        return newAddress.substring(0, newAddress.length() - 1);
    * Finds and loads the given icon.
    * @param type The type, or name, of the icon to get.
    * @return The icon.
   public Icon getIcon(String type)
        //Checks the hashtable to see if this icon has already been loaded.
        Icon icon = (Icon)iconCache.get(type);
        if(icon == null)
            Image i = null;
            //All icons are stored here for this snapin.
            String path = "/com/novell/Chat/images/";
            path += type + ".gif";
            URL url = getClass().getResource(path);
            if(url != null)
                i = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(url);
                icon = new ImageIcon(i);
                iconCache.put(type, icon);        // save it in our icon cache
                System.err.println("Unable to load image " + path + " in Chat.");               
        return icon;
    //                 NDS Interface Methods                    //
     * Verifies that a user is who he says he is by checking the
     * known IP address to the NetAddress stored in his user object.
     * @param fullName The fullname of the user.
     * @param ipAddress The known IP Address.
     * @return True if it verifies, false if it fails.     
    public boolean verifyUser(String fullName, String ipAddress)
            //Get the ObjectEntry for this user
            ObjectEntry oe = getNDSNamespace().getObjectEntry(fullName);
            if(oe != null)
                //If it's a Chat Room, then it will automatically verify
                //since a chat room's address is stored differently and
                //can't be spoofed.
                    return true;
                //Get the IP Address this user is logged in under.
                String[] oeIPAddress = getMultiValuedAttribute(oe, "Network Address");
                if(oeIPAddress != null)
                    for(int i = 0; i < oeIPAddress.length; i++)
                        //Convert it to Decimal
                        oeIPAddress[i] = convertHexIP(oeIPAddress[i]);
                        if(ipAddress.indexOf('/') != -1)
                            ipAddress = ipAddress.substring(ipAddress.indexOf('/') + 1);                                            
                        //Once a match is found, the user is verified.
                            return true;
        catch(SPIException e)
            NSPIExceptionMsgBox msg = new NSPIExceptionMsgBox(shell, e, chatRes.getString("Verification Error"));
        System.err.println("User " + fullName + " failed chat verification.");    
        return false; 
     * Gives all users the rights to their ChatPort and ChatPrefferredUsers 
     * attributes.
     * @param oe An objectEntry under the root to give the rights to.
     * @return True if successfull.
    boolean giveRootRights(ObjectEntry oe)
        //True if this attribute wasn't present before and need to be 
        //added to the object.
        boolean newAttribute = false;  
            if(oe != null)
                //Gets the root object of this ObjectEntry
                ObjectEntry root = oe.getRoot();
                if(root != null)
                        //Get the attribute's definition
                        NDSAttributeDefinition attDef = (NDSAttributeDefinition)nds.getAttributeDefinition(root, "ACL");                
                        if(attDef != null)  
                            //Get the attribute's syntax
                            NDSSyntax syntax = (NDSSyntax)attDef.getSyntax();     
                            if(syntax != null)
                                NSObject nsObject = nds.getDetails(root);            
                            if(nsObject != null)
                                //Get the ObjectAttribute
                                    NDSObjectAttribute objAttrib = (NDSObjectAttribute)nsObject.getAttribute("ACL");
                                    //If the object doesn't already have this attribute, it create a new one.
                                    if(objAttrib == null)  
                                        objAttrib = new NDSObjectAttribute(attDef);
                                        if(objAttrib == null)
                                            return false;
                                        newAttribute = true;     //can't add the attribute to the object until after it has a value        
                                    boolean hasAllAttr = false;      //True if this ACL already has rights for [All Attriubute Rights].
                                    boolean hasEntryRights = false;  //True if this ACL already has rights for [Entry Rights].
                                    Enumeration enum = objAttrib.getValueComponents();
                                        ObjectACLFacade facade = new ObjectACLFacade((ValueList)enum.nextElement());
                                        if(facade != null)
                                            if(facade.getSubjectName().equals("[Root]") && facade.getSubjectName().equals("[All Attributes Rights]"))
                                                hasAllAttr = true;
                                            else if(facade.getSubjectName().equals("[Root]") && facade.getSubjectName().equals("[Entry Rights]"))
                                                hasEntryRights = true;
                                ValueList rights = ObjectACLFacade.createValueList(ATTRIBUTE_USER_PORT, "[Root]", ATT_RIGHTS_COMPARE | ATT_RIGHTS_READ | ATT_RIGHTS_WRITE | ATT_RIGHTS_INHERITABLE);                             
                                rights = ObjectACLFacade.createValueList(ATTRIBUTE_USER_PREFS , "[Root]", ATT_RIGHTS_COMPARE | ATT_RIGHTS_READ | ATT_RIGHTS_WRITE | ATT_RIGHTS_INHERITABLE);                             
                                //If it already has rights for this, then we don't want to mess them up,
                                //otherwise we need to set the default.
                                    ValueList allAttr = ObjectACLFacade.createValueList("[All Attributes Rights]", "[Root]", ATT_RIGHTS_COMPARE | ATT_RIGHTS_READ); 
                                //If it already has rights for this, then we don't want to mess them up,
                                //otherwise we need to set the default.
                                    ValueList entry = ObjectACLFacade.createValueList("[Entry Rights]", "[Root]", RIGHTS_BROWSE);
                                //If it is a new attribute, then it can't be added to the object until its value
                                    //is assigned first.
                                    nds.update(nsObject); //Update the object in NDS 
                                return true;
        catch (SPIException e)
            // NDS Problem encountered
            NSPIExceptionMsgBox msg = new NSPIExceptionMsgBox(shell, e, chatRes.getString("[Root] Trustee Error"));
        catch (NamespaceException e)
                        NMsgBox msg = new NMsgBox(shell.getShellFrame(), chatRes.getString("NamespaceException"), chatRes.getString("[Root] Trustee Error") + "\n" + e.toString(), NMsgBox.ERROR);
        catch (SnapinVetoException e)
                        NMsgBox msg = new NMsgBox(shell.getShellFrame(), chatRes.getString("SnapinVetoException"), chatRes.getString("[Root] Trustee Error") + "\n" + e.getMessage(), NMsgBox.ERROR);
        catch (IncompatibleComponentException e)
                        NMsgBox msg = new NMsgBox(shell.getShellFrame(), chatRes.getString("IncompatibleComponentException"), chatRes.getString("[Root] Trustee Error") + "\n" + e.getMessage(), NMsgBox.ERROR);
        return false;
     * Changes the trustee assignments to the given user.
     * @param oe The ObjectEntry whose trustee assignments will be changed.
     * @param userFullName The name of the user to change the assignments to.
     *                     If null, it assigns the rights to the container object.
     * @return True if successfull.
    boolean changeTrustee(ObjectEntry oe, String userFullName)
        boolean newAttribute = false;  //set to true when a new attribute is created.
        String unrootedName = null;    //The users unrooted name.
        if(userFullName != null)
            unrootedName = nds.getUnrootedName(oe);                                 
            if(oe != null)
                //Checks to make sure the schema is properly extended, if not, it will extend it.
                if(checkSchema(oe, null))
                        //Get the attribute's definition
                        NDSAttributeDefinition attDef = (NDSAttributeDefinition)nds.getAttributeDefinition(oe, "ACL");          
                        if(attDef != null)  
                            //Get the attribute's syntax
                            NDSSyntax syntax = (NDSSyntax)attDef.getSyntax();     
                            if(syntax != null)
                                NSObject nsObject = nds.getDetails(oe);            
                            if(nsObject != null)
                                //Get the ObjectAttribute
                                    NDSObjectAttribute objAttrib = (NDSObjectAttribute)nsObject.getAttribute("ACL");
                                    //If the object doesn't already have this attribute, it create a new one.
                                    if(objAttrib == null)  
                                        objAttrib = new NDSObjectAttribute(attDef);
                                        if(objAttrib == null)
                                            return false;
                                        newAttribute = true;     //can't add the attribute to the object until after it has a value        
                                        objAttrib.removeAllComponents();   //Remove any previous values
                                String parentName = nds.getUnrootedName(oe.getParent());         
                                String ownerName = getAttributeValueAsString(oe, ATTRIBUTE_OWNER);
                                //The Chat Room's owner always gets the same rights.
                                if(ownerName != null)
                                    ValueList allAttr = ObjectACLFacade.createValueList("[All Attributes Rights]", ownerName, ATT_RIGHTS_SUPERVISOR | ATT_RIGHTS_COMPARE | ATT_RIGHTS_READ); 
                                    ValueList entry = ObjectACLFacade.createValueList("[Entry Rights]", ownerName, RIGHTS_SUPERVISOR | RIGHTS_BROWSE); 
                                //Assign the rights to the given user if its a different user than
                                //the owner of the Chat Room.
                                if(unrootedName != null && !ownerName.equals(unrootedName))
                                    ValueList ip = ObjectACLFacade.createValueList(ATTRIBUTE_IP, unrootedName, ATT_RIGHTS_COMPARE | ATT_RIGHTS_READ | ATT_RIGHTS_WRITE);
                                    ValueList port = ObjectACLFacade.createValueList(ATTRIBUTE_PORT, unrootedName, ATT_RIGHTS_COMPARE | ATT_RIGHTS_READ | ATT_RIGHTS_WRITE);
                                    ValueList list = ObjectACLFacade.createValueList(ATTRIBUTE_USERLIST, unrootedName, ATT_RIGHTS_COMPARE | ATT_RIGHTS_READ | ATT_RIGHTS_WRITE);
                                    ValueList acl = ObjectACLFacade.createValueList("ACL", unrootedName, ATT_RIGHTS_COMPARE | ATT_RIGHTS_READ | ATT_RIGHTS_WRITE);
                                    ValueList allAttr = ObjectACLFacade.createValueList("[All Attributes Rights]", unrootedName, ATT_RIGHTS_COMPARE | ATT_RIGHTS_READ);
                                    ValueList entry2 = ObjectACLFacade.createValueList("[Entry Rights]", unrootedName, RIGHTS_BROWSE);
                                //Assigns rights to the Chat Room's container object.
                                if(parentName != null)
                                    ValueList allAttr = ObjectACLFacade.createValueList("[All Attributes Rights]", parentName, ATT_RIGHTS_COMPARE | ATT_RIGHTS_READ);
                                    ValueList entry2 = ObjectACLFacade.createValueList("[Entry Rights]", parentName, RIGHTS_BROWSE);
                                    //More rights are assigned if no new owner is specified.
                                    if(unrootedName == null)
                                        ValueList ip = ObjectACLFacade.createValueList(ATTRIBUTE_IP, parentName, ATT_RIGHTS_COMPARE | ATT_RIGHTS_READ | ATT_RIGHTS_WRITE);
                                        ValueList port = ObjectACLFacade.createValueList(ATTRIBUTE_PORT, parentName, ATT_RIGHTS_COMPARE | ATT_RIGHTS_READ | ATT_RIGHTS_WRITE);
                                        ValueList list = ObjectACLFacade.createValueList(ATTRIBUTE_USERLIST, parentName, ATT_RIGHTS_COMPARE | ATT_RIGHTS_READ | ATT_RIGHTS_WRITE);
                                        ValueList acl = ObjectACLFacade.createValueList("ACL", parentName, ATT_RIGHTS_COMPARE | ATT_RIGHTS_READ | ATT_RIGHTS_WRITE);
                                    //If it is a new attribute, then it can't be added to the object until its value
                                    //is assigned first.
                                    nds.update(nsObject); //Update the object in NDS 
                                return true;
        catch (SPIException e)
            // NDS Problem encountered
            NSPIExceptionMsgBox msg = new NSPIExceptionMsgBox(shell, e, chatRes.getString("Chat Room Trustee Error") + oe.getName());
        catch (NamespaceException e)
                        NMsgBox msg = new NMsgBox(shell.getShellFrame(), chatRes.getString("NamespaceException"), chatRes.getString("Chat Room Trustee Error") + oe.getName() + "\n" + e.toString(), NMsgBox.ERROR);
        catch (SnapinVetoException e)
                        NMsgBox msg = new NMsgBox(shell.getShellFrame(), chatRes.getString("SnapinVetoException"), chatRes.getString("Chat Room Trustee Error") + oe.getName() + "\n" + e.getMessage(), NMsgBox.ERROR);
        return false;
     * A simple method designed to change the value of an attribute.     
     * @param oe The ObjectEntry that contains the attribute
     * @param attributeName The name of the attribute
     * @param newValue The new value to add.  If null, the attribute will be 
     *                 deleted from the object.
     * @param append True if the value should be appended to the list of ValueComponents.
     * @return True if successfull
    public boolean setAttributeValue(ObjectEntry oe, String attributeName, Object newValue, boolean append)
        boolean newAttribute = false;  //set to true when a new attribute is created.
            if(oe != null)
                //Checks to make sure the schema is properly extended, if not, it will extend it.
                if(checkSchema(oe, attributeName))
                        //Get the attributes definition
                        NDSAttributeDefinition attDef = (NDSAttributeDefinition)nds.getAttributeDefinition(oe, attributeName);          
                        if(attDef != null)  
                            //Get the attributes syntax
                            NDSSyntax syntax = (NDSSyntax)attDef.getSyntax();     
                            if(syntax != null)
                                NSObject nsObject = nds.getDetails(oe);            
                            if(nsObject != null)
                                //Get the object's attribute
                                    NDSObjectAttribute objAttrib = (NDSObjectAttribute)nsObject.getAttribute(attributeName);
                                    if(objAttrib == null)  //If the object doesn't already have this attribute, it adds it
                                        objAttrib = new NDSObjectAttribute(attDef);
                                        if(objAttrib == null)
                                            return false;
                                        // We can't add the attribute to the object until after it has a value
                                        // so this flags tells that we will have to add the attribute later.                                    
                                        newAttribute = true;            
                                    else if(!append)
                                        objAttrib.removeAllComponents();   //Remove any previous values
                                        if(newValue == null)
                                    if(newValue != null)
                                        // If the value is already an NDSObjectAttribute, this we'll just
                                        // copy it right in.
                                        if(newValue instanceof NDSObjectAttribute)
                                            Enumeration components = ((NDSObjectAttribute)newValue).getValueComponents();
                                            //If the value is already ValueComponet, then we can just add it.
                                            if(newValue instanceof ValueComponent)
                                                //All other value types will need to be converted to a ValueComponent
                                                //before it can be added to the attribute.
                                                if(syntax == NDSSyntax.SYN_CI_STRING || syntax == NDSSyntax.SYN_INTEGER ||
                                                   syntax == NDSSyntax.SYN_DIST_NAME)
                                                    ValueComponent VC = syntax.createValueComponent(newValue.toString());               
                                    //If it is a new attribute, then it can't be added to the object until its value
                                    //is assigned first.
                                    if(newAttribute && (newValue != null))
                                    nds.update(nsObject); //Update the object in NDS 
                                return true;
        catch (SPIException e)
            // NDS Problem encountered
            NSPIExceptionMsgBox msg = new NSPIExceptionMsgBox(shell, e, chatRes.getString("Set Attribute Error") + attributeName);
        catch (NamespaceException e)
                        NMsgBox msg = new NMsgBox(shell.getShellFrame(), chatRes.getString("NamespaceException"), chatRes.getString("Set Attribute Error") + attributeName + "\n" + e.toString(), NMsgBox.ERROR);
        catch (ComponentCreationException e)
                        NMsgBox msg = new NMsgBox(shell.getShellFrame(), chatRes.getString("ComponentCreationException"), chatRes.getString("Set Attribute Error") + attributeName + "\n" + e.getMessage(), NMsgBox.ERROR);
        catch (SnapinVetoException e)
                        NMsgBox msg = new NMsgBox(shell.getShellFrame(), chatRes.getString("SnapinVetoException"), chatRes.getString("Set Attribute Error") + attributeName + "\n" + e.getMessage(), NMsgBox.ERROR);
        return false;
     * A simple method designed to replace the given value from a 
     * multivalued attribute with a new value.
     * @param oe The ObjectEntry that contains the attribute
     * @param attributeName The name of the attribute
     * @param oldValue The old value to remove.
     * @param newValue The new value to add.
     * @return True if successfull
    public boolean replaceAttributeValue(ObjectEntry oe, String attributeName, String oldValue, String newValue)
            if(oe != null)
                //Checks to make sure the schema is properly extended, if not, it will extend it.
                if(checkSchema(oe, attributeName))
                        //Get the attribute's definition
                        NDSAttributeDefinition attDef = (NDSAttributeDefinition)nds.getAttributeDefinition(oe, attributeName);          
                        if(attDef != null)  
                            //Get the attribute's syntax
                            NDSSyntax syntax = (NDSSyntax)attDef.getSyntax();     
                            if(syntax != null)
                                NSObject nsObject = nds.getDetails(oe);            
                            if(nsObject != null)
                                //Get the ObjectAttribute
                                    NDSObjectAttribute objAttrib = (NDSObjectAttribute)nsObject.getAttribute(attributeName);
                                    if(objAttrib != null)  //If the object doesn't already have this attribute, it adds it
                                        //Get the value components from the attribute.
                                    Enumeration enum = objAttrib.getValueComponents();            
                                        ValueComponent vc = (ValueComponent)enum.nextElement();
                                        //Use the syntax to properly convert the attribute to a string
                                        String strValue = syntax.getStrategy().toString(vc);
                                        //If there's a match, then this value will be replaced with the new value.
                                            //If newValue is null, it will simply be removed.
                                            if(newValue == null)
                                                strValue = newValue + strValue.substring(oldValue.length());
                                                ValueComponent newVC = NDSSyntax.getSyntax(syntax.getId()).createValueComponent(strValue);              
                                                objAttrib.replaceComponent(vc, newVC);
                                                nds.update(nsObject); //Update the object in NDS 
                                                return true;
        catch (SPIException e)
            // NDS Problem encountered
            NSPIExceptionMsgBox msg = new NSPIExceptionMsgBox(shell, e, chatRes.getString("Set Attribute Error") + attributeName);
        catch (NamespaceException e)
                        NMsgBox msg = new NMsgBox(shell.getShellFrame(), chatRes.getString("NamespaceException"), chatRes.getString("Set Attribute Error") + attributeName + "\n" + e.toString(), NMsgBox.ERROR);
        catch (ComponentCreationException e)
                        NMsgBox msg = new NMsgBox(shell.getShellFrame(), chatRes.getString("ComponentCreationException"), chatRes.getString("Set Attribute Error") + attributeName + "\n" + e.getMessage(), NMsgBox.ERROR);
        catch (SnapinVetoException e)
                        NMsgBox msg = new NMsgBox(shell.getShellFrame(), chatRes.getString("SnapinVetoException"), chatRes.getString("Set Attribute Error") + attributeName + "\n" + e.getMessage(), NMsgBox.ERROR);
        return false;
    * A Simple method designed to get the value of an attribute 
    * from a given object and return the value as a string regardless 
    * of its syntax.
    * @param oe The ObjectEntry of the object in NDS.
    * @param attributeName The name of the attribute.
    * @return The value of the attribute, null if it fails.
   public String getAttributeValueAsString(ObjectEntry oe, String attributeName)
        String strValue = null;    
            if(oe != null)
                //Checks to make sure the schema is properly extended, if not, it will extend it.
                if(checkSchema(oe, attributeName))
                    NSObject nsObj = nds.getDetails(oe);            
                    if(nsObj != null)
                        //Get's the attribute from the object
                        NDSObjectAttribute attribute = (NDSObjectAttribute)nsObj.getAttribute(attributeName);
                        if(attribute != null)
                            //Get's the attribute's definition
                            NDSAttributeDefinition attributeDef = attribute.getNDSAttributeDefinition();
                            if(attributeDef != null)
                                //Get's the attribute's syntax
                                NDSSyntax syntax = (NDSSyntax)attributeDef.getSyntax();
                                if(syntax != null)
                                    //Get the value components from the attribute.
                                    Enumeration enum = attribute.getValueComponents();            
                                        //We'll use only the first component
                                        ValueComponent value = (ValueComponent)enum.nextElement();
                                        //Use the syntax to properly convert the attribute to a string
                                        strValue = syntax.getStrategy().toString(value);
        catch(SPIException e)
            NSPIExceptionMsgBox msg = new NSPIExceptionMsgBox(shell, e, chatRes.getString("Get Attribute Error") + attributeName);
        return strValue;            
    * For multi-valued attributes.
    * A Simple method designed to get the values of a provided attribute 
    * from a given object and return the value as a string array.
    * @param oe The ObjectEntry of the object in NDS.
    * @param attributeName The name of the attribute.
    * @return The value of the attribute, null if it fails.
   public String[] getMultiValuedAttribute(ObjectEntry oe, String attributeName)
        String strValues[] = null;    
            if(oe != null)
                //Checks to make sure the schema is properly extended, if not, it will extend it.
                if(checkSchema(oe, attributeName))
                    NSObject nsObj = nds.getDetails(oe);            
                    if(nsObj != null)
                        //Get's the attribute from the object
                        NDSObjectAttribute attribute = (NDSObjectAttribute)nsObj.getAttribute(attributeName);
                        if(attribute != null)
                            //Get's the attribute's definition
                            NDSAttributeDefinition attributeDef = attribute.getNDSAttributeDefinition();
                            if(attributeDef != null)
                                //Get's the attribute's syntax
                                NDSSyntax syntax = (NDSSyntax)attributeDef.getSyntax();
                                if(syntax != null)
                                    int count = attribute.getComponentCount();
                                    if(count > 0)
                                        strValues = new String[count];
                                        count = 0;
                                        //Get the value components from the attribute.
                                        Enumeration enum = attribute.getValueComponents();            
                                            //We'll use only the first component
                                            ValueComponent value = (ValueComponent)enum.nextElement();
                                            //Use the syntax to properly convert the attribute to a string
                                            strValues[count] = syntax.getStrategy().toString(value);
        catch(SPIException e)
            NSPIExceptionMsgBox msg = new NSPIExceptionMsgBox(shell, e, chatRes.getString("Get Attribute Error") + attributeName);
        return strValues;            
     * Extends the NDS Schema if it hasn't already been extended.
     * Classes to add:         Chat Room            (Used by the Chat Room Class)
     * Attributes to add:      ChatRoomIPAddress    (Used by the Chat Room Class)
     *                         ChatRoomOwner        (Used by the Chat Room Class)
     *                         ChatUserList         (Used by the Chat Room Class)
     *                         ChatPrefferredUsers  (Added to User Class)
     *                         ChatPort             (Added to User Class)   
     * We first check to see if the Chat Room class has been added.  If so, then
     * we will assume that all of the attributes that are used by this class have
     * also be added to the schema.  Next we'll check if the attribute ChatPreferredUsers
     * has been added.  If this is present, then we will assume that the User object
     * has been properly extended. If either haven't, then the schema will be extended 
     * if this user has sufficent rights.
     * @param oe An ObjectEntry in the tree where the schema needs to be extended.
     * @param attributeName The name of the attribute to check, null if it doesn't matter.
     * @return True if the schema is properly set up.
    public boolean checkSchema(ObjectEntry oe, String attributeName)
        boolean definedChatManager = false;
        boolean definedChatUser = false;
        String when = chatRes.getString("Schema Error 1");
        if(attributeName != null && !newAttributes.contains(attributeName))
            return true;
            //First check to see if this tree has already been checked.            
            String treeName = oe.getRoot().getName();
                // Get the Schema's Definition for the tree the ObjectEntry belongs to.
                NDSSchemaDefinition def = (NDSSchemaDefinition)nds.getSchemaDefinition(oe);
                if(!def.isClassDefined(CHATROOM_TYPE) || !def.isAttributeDefined(ATTRIBUTE_USER_PORT))
                    //Ask for permission to extend the schema
                            MessageFormat.format(chatRes.getString("Schema Confirmation"), new Object[]{treeName}), 
                            chatRes.getString("Chat"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE) == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)
                            when = chatRes.getString("Schema Error 2");
                            createChatRoomClass(def);     //Create the ChatRoom Class
                            when = chatRes.getString("Schema Error 3");
                            createNewUserAttributes(def); //Add the attributes to the User Class    
                        //The rights of the root object need to be adjusted so that all users
                        //will have access to their ChatPort and ChatPrefferredUsers attributes.
                        when = chatRes.getString("Schema Error 4");
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(getShell().getShellFrame(), chatRes.getString("Schema Success"), chatRes.getString("Chat"), JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
                        return false;
        catch(SPIException e)
            // NDS Problem encountered
            NSPIExceptionMsgBox msg = new NSPIExceptionMsgBox(shell, e, chatRes.getString("Extention Failure 1") + "\n" + when + "\n" + chatRes.getString("Extention Failure 2"));
            return false;
        catch(NamespaceException e)
                        NMsgBox msg = new NMsgBox(shell.getShellFrame(), chatRes.getString("NamespaceException"), chatRes.getString("Extention Failure 1") + "\n" + when + "\n" + chatRes.getString("Extention Failure 2") + "\n" + e.getMessage(), NMsgBox.ERROR);
                        return false;
        catch(PropertyVetoException e)
            // Advise that a PropertyChangeListener for the Schema has vetoed the new
            // changes by showing the message from the exception.
            NMsgBox msg = new NMsgBox(shell.getShellFrame(), chatRes.getString("PropertyVetoException"), chatRes.getString("Extention Failure 1") + "\n" + when + "\n" + chatRes.getString("Extention Failure 2") + "\n" + e.getMessage(), NMsgBox.INFO);
            return false;
        return true;
     * Creates a ChatRoom object under the given object.
     * @param parentOE The object to place it under.
     * @param cn The Common Name of this ChatRoom Object.
     * @param ipAddress The IPAddress it is listening at.
     * @param port The port it is listening at.
     * @param ownerOE The ObjectEntry of the owner.
     * @return The ChatUser ObjectEntry if successfull, null if it failed.
    public ObjectEntry newChatRoom(ObjectEntry parentOE, String cn, String ipAddress, int port, ObjectEntry ownerOE)
        ObjectEntry newRoom = null;
        String owner = nds.getUnrootedName(ownerOE);
            if(checkSchema(parentOE, null))
                // Make sure that an object with the same name doesn't already exist
                if(nds.doesExist(parentOE, cn))
                    NMsgBox msg = new NMsgBox(shell.getShellFrame(), chatRes.getString("Chat"), chatRes.getString("Duplicate Name Error"), NMsgBox.ERROR);
                    // Get the attribute definitions
                    NDSAttributeDefinition cnDef = (NDSAttributeDefinition)nds.getAttributeDefinition(parentOE, "CN");
                    NDSAttributeDefinition ipDef = (NDSAttributeDefinition)nds.getAttributeDefinition(parentOE, ATTRIBUTE_IP);
                    NDSAttributeDefinition portDef = (NDSAttributeDefinition)nds.getAttributeDefinition(parentOE, ATTRIBUTE_PORT);
                    NDSAttributeDefinition nameDef = (NDSAttributeDefinition)nds.getAttributeDefinition(parentOE, ATTRIBUTE_OWNER);
                    // Create the ObjectAttributes with the given values
                    //CN Attribute
                    NDSObjectAttribute cnAttrib = new NDSObjectAttribute(cnDef);
                    ValueComponent cnVC = NDSSyntax.SYN_CI_STRING.createValueComponent(cn);
                    //ChatRoomAddress Attribute
                    NDSObjectAttribute ipAttrib = new NDSObjectAttribute(ipDef);
                    ValueComponent ipVC = NDSSyntax.SYN_CI_STRING.createValueComponent(ipAddress);
                    //ChatRoomPort Attribute
                    NDSObjectAttribute portAttrib   = new NDSObjectAttribute(portDef);
                    ValueComponent portVC = NDSSyntax.SYN_INTEGER.createValueComponent(new Integer(port));
                    //ChatRoomOwner Attribute
                    NDSObjectAttribute nameAttrib = new NDSObjectAttribute(nameDef);
                    ValueComponent nameVC = NDSSyntax.SYN_DIST_NAME.createValueComponent(owner);
                    // Copy into a vector
                    Vector attribs = new Vector(4);
                    // Create the ObjectEntry
                    newRoom = nds.createObjectEntry(parentOE, cn, CHATROOM_TYPE);
                    // Create NSObject
                    NSObject newNSObj = nds.createNSObject(newRoom, attribs, 0);
                    // Write to NDS
                    //Now create the ChatServer that will handle the new room's
                    ChatUser chatRoom = new ChatUser(newRoom, cn, newRoom.getFullName(), ipAddress);                    
                    ChatServer chatServer = createChatServer(port, chatRoom, -1);
                    if(chatServer != null)
                        chatServer.listen(true);  //Start the server listening
                        connectionList.put(chatServer.getKey(), chatServer);
                        //Set the port it is listening at.
                        if(chatServer.getPort() != port)
                            setAttributeValue(newRoom, ATTRIBUTE_PORT, new Integer(chatServer.getPort()), false);                                                
                        //Set the trustee assignments for the room.
                        changeTrustee(newRoom, ownerOE.getFullName());                            
                        //If it fails, then delete the room.
                        NMsgBox msg = new NMsgBox(shell.getShellFrame(), chatRes.getString("Chat"), chatRes.getString("Chat Room Socket Error"), NMsgBox.ERROR);
                        newRoom = null;
                    // Refresh ConsoleOne's selection
        catch(SPIException e)
            NSPIExceptionMsgBox msg = new NSPIExceptionMsgBox(shell, e, chatRes.getString("Create Room Error"));
            return null;
        catch(NamespaceException e)
            NMsgBox msg = new NMsgBox(shell.getShellFrame(), chatRes.getString("NamespaceException"), chatRes.getString("Create Room Error") + "\n" + e.toString(), NMsgBox.ERROR);
            return null;
        catch(ComponentCreationException e)
            NMsgBox msg = new NMsgBox(shell.getShellFrame(), chatRes.getString("ComponentCreationException"), chatRes.getString("Create Room Error") + "\n" + e.getMessage(), NMsgBox.ERROR);
            return null;
        catch(SnapinVetoException e)
            // Advise that another snapin has vetoed the creation and get the message from
            // the Exception
            NMsgBox msg = new NMsgBox(shell.getShellFrame(), chatRes.getString("SnapinVetoException"), chatRes.getString("Create Room Error") + "\n" + e.getMessage(), NMsgBox.INFO);
            return null;
        return newRoom;   
     * Transfers the given chat room to this user at the given
     * IP Address.
     * @param roomOE The ObjectEntry of the Chat Room.
     * @param ipAddress The IP Address to change the Chat Room to.
     * @param startColor The user's name color to start with when assigning new
     *                   name colors.
     * @return True if the transfer was successfull.
    public boolean chatRoomTransfer(ObjectEntry roomOE, String ipAddress, int startColor)
        String roomName = roomOE.getName();
        String roomFullName = roomOE.getFullName();
        ChatUser chatRoom = new ChatUser(roomOE, roomName, roomFullName, ipAddress);  
        //Create the ChatServer to handle the rooms communications
        ChatServer chatServer = createChatServer(DEFAULT_PORT, chatRoom, startColor);
        if(chatServer != null)
            chatServer.listen(true);  //Start the server listening for connections
            connectionList.put(chatServer.getKey(), chatServer);
            //Set the communication's attributes so others can connect.
            setAttributeValue(roomOE, ATTRIBUTE_PORT, new Integer(chatServer.getPort()), false);   
            setAttributeValue(roomOE, ATTRIBUTE_IP, ipAddress, false);  
            return true;
        return false;    
     * Creates the Chat Room class and the associated attributes.
     * @param def The Schema's definition.
     * @exception SPIException
     * @exception NamespaceException
     * @exception PropertyVetoException
    private void createChatRoomClass(NDSSchemaDefinition def) throws SPIException, NamespaceException, PropertyVetoException
        int flags;
        NDSAttributeDefinition port;
        NDSAttributeDefinition owner;
        NDSAttributeDefinition ipAddress;
        NDSAttributeDefinition list;
        // We will first create all of the attributes that will be added to
        // this class.        
        // Create ChatServerPort Attribute
        // Syntax:  Integer
            port = (NDSAttributeDefinition)def.getAttributeDefinition(ATTRIBUTE_PORT);                
            flags = NDSAttributeFlags.SINGLE_VALUED | NDSAttributeFlags.SIZED;
            port = new NDSAttributeDefinition(ATTRIBUTE_PORT, 
                                                new NDSAttributeFlags(flags),
                                                new String("").getBytes());
        // Create ChatUserFullName Attribute
        // Syntax:  Distingished Name
            owner = (NDSAttributeDefinition)def.getAttributeDefinition(ATTRIBUTE_OWNER);                
            flags = NDSAttributeFlags.SINGLE_VALUED;
            owner = new NDSAttributeDefinition(ATTRIBUTE_OWNER, 
                                                new NDSAttributeFlags(flags),
                                                new String("").getBytes());
        // Create ChatServerIPAddress Attribute
        // Syntax:  Case Ignore String
            ipAddress = (NDSAttributeDefinition)def.getAttributeDefinition(ATTRIBUTE_IP);                
            flags = NDSAttributeFlags.STRING | NDSAttributeFlags.SIZED | NDSAttributeFlags.SINGLE_VALUED;
            ipAddress = new NDSAttributeDefinition(ATTRIBUTE_IP, 
                                                new NDSAttributeFlags(flags),
                                                new String("").getBytes());
        // Create ChatStatus Attribute
        // Syntax:  Case Ignore String
            list = (NDSAttributeDefinition)def.getAttributeDefinition(ATTRIBUTE_USERLIST);                
            flags = NDSAttributeFlags.STRING | NDSAttributeFlags.SIZED;
            list = new NDSAttributeDefinition(ATTRIBUTE_USERLIST, 
                                                new NDSAttributeFlags(flags),
                                                new String("").getBytes());
        // Now we create the class.  We set up the containment and superclasses for the
        // new class and then the mandatory, naming and optional attributes.  Then
        // we define the class and add it to the schema.
        flags = NDSClassFlags.EFFECTIVE_CLASS;
        //The class can only be contained within these objects
        String[] containment = new String[]{"Organization", "Organizational Unit", "Country", "Locality"};  
        //Its only superclass is the Top class
        String[] superClasses   = new String[]{"Top"};
        //All of the attributes we created will be mandatory since they are all 
        //required for communicating between Users.
        AttributeDefinition[] mandatoryAttribs = new AttributeDefinition[]{def.getAttributeDefinition("CN"), owner};
        AttributeDefinition[] namingAttribs    = new AttributeDefinition[]{def.getAttributeDefinition("CN")};
        AttributeDefinition[] optionalAttribs  = new AttributeDefinition[]{list, ipAddress, port};
        //Now create the class
        NDSClassDefinition classDef = new NDSClassDefinition(CHATROOM_TYPE,
                                            new NDSClassFlags(flags),
                                            new String("").getBytes());
        //Finally we add the class to the Schema                                    
     * Creates the new attributes to add to the user's class.
     * @param def The Schema definition.
     * @exception SPIException
     * @exception NamespaceException
     * @exception PropertyVetoException
    public void createNewUserAttributes(NDSSchemaDefinition def) throws SPIException, NamespaceException, PropertyVetoException
        int flags;
        int attributesToAdd = 0;      
        boolean addPort = false;
        boolean addList = false;
        NDSAttributeDefinition port = null;
        NDSAttributeDefinition list = null;
        NDSClassDefinition userClass = def.getUnexpandedClassDefinition("User");
        //ChatPort Attribute
            addPort = true;
                port = (NDSAttributeDefinition)def.getAttributeDefinition(ATTRIBUTE_USER_PORT);                
                // Create ChatUserPort Attribute
                // Syntax:  Integer
                flags = NDSAttributeFlags.SINGLE_VALUED;
                port = new NDSAttributeDefinition(ATTRIBUTE_USER_PORT, 
                                                        new NDSAttributeFlags(flags),
                                                        new String("").getBytes());
        //ChatPreferredUsers Attribute
            addList = true;
                list = (NDSAttributeDefinition)def.getAttributeDefinition(ATTRIBUTE_USER_PREFS);
                // Create ChatPreferredUsers Attribute
                // Syntax:  Case Ignore String
                flags = NDSAttributeFlags.STRING;
                list = new NDSAttributeDefinition(ATTRIBUTE_USER_PREFS, 
                                                        new NDSAttributeFlags(flags),
                                                        new String("").getBytes());
        if(attributesToAdd > 0)
            //Create a new array a little bigger so that it can hold the new attributes
            AttributeDefinition[] optionalAttribs = new AttributeDefinition[attributesToAdd];
            //Add the new ones to the array
            if(addPort && addList)
                optionalAttribs[0] = port;
                optionalAttribs[1] = list;      
            else if(addPort)
                optionalAttribs[0] = port;
            else if(addList)
                optionalAttribs[0] = list;
            //Now recreate the class with the new attributes.
            NDSClassDefinition classDef = new NDSClassDefinition("User",null,null,null,
            //Finally we add the class to the Schema                                    
    //      Methods used to administer to the chat server.  //
     * Creates a new Chat server for the given ChatUser.
         * @param port The port on which this server will listen for connections.
         * @param user The ChatUser associated with this server.
         * @param startColor The color to start this user at in the ChatDialog.
    public ChatServer createChatServer(int port, ChatUser user, int startColor)
        ChatServer chatServer = new ChatServer(this, port, user, startColor); 
        //If it is unable to create a chat server, the port will be set to -1
        if(chatServer.getPort() == -1)
            chatServer = null;
        return chatServer;
     * Starts the default chat servers listening for connections.
     * @param listen True if the server should be listening.
     public void listen(boolean listen)
        Enumeration enum = connectionList.keys();
            //First we'll look for the star which identifies this 
            //connection as a user server.
            String key = (String)enum.nextElement();
            if(key.indexOf('*') != -1)
                ChatServer chatServer = (ChatServer)connectionList.get(key);
                //This will make it so other users can tell if this user has chat enabled or not.
                    setAttributeValue(chatServer.getObjectEntry(), ATTRIBUTE_USER_PORT,  new Integer(chatServer.getPort()), false);
                    setAttributeValue(chatServer.getObjectEntry(), ATTRIBUTE_USER_PORT,  null, false);
        listening = listen;
      * Checks to see if the chat servers are listening.
      * @return True if listening.
      public boolean isListening()
         return listening;
    // These methods are used only to interface with the client. //
    * Called when a user requests to chat with either another user or
    * a Chat Room.  This will make a connection with the user and send
    * a request to chat message.
    * @param oe The ObjectEntry to connect to.
    public void requestChat(ObjectEntry oe)
        if(oe != null)
            String type = oe.getObjectType().getName();
            //Make sure the user's current identity is being used.  
            //Can change if shifting between trees.
            ChatUser chatUser = getUserIdentity(oe);     
            if(chatUser == null)
                        chatRes.getString("Init Chat Error 1"), 
                        chatRes.getString("Chat"), JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
                //For user to user connections
                    String oeName = oe.getName();
                    String userPort = getAttributeValueAsString(oe, ATTRIBUTE_USER_PORT);
                    //You can tell if a user is online because they will have a value stored
                    //in the ChatPort attribute.
                    if(userPort == null)
                            MessageFormat.format(chatRes.getString("Not Enabled"), new Object[]{oeName}), 
                            chatRes.getString("Chat"), JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
                    //Confirm the request
                    else if(JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(shell.getShellFrame(), 
                            MessageFormat.format(chatRes.getString("Request User"), new Object[]{oeName}),
                            chatRes.getString("Chat"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, 
                            JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE) == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)
                        //Get the correct IP Address.
                        String userIP = getIPAddress(oe, chatRes.getString("Select IP Request"));
                        if(userIP != null)
                            //Creates the client and then attempts to connect to the user.
                            ChatClient chatClient = new ChatClient(this, new ChatUser(oe, oe.getName(), oe.getFullName(), userIP), chatUser, (new Integer(userPort)).intValue());
                                connectionList.put(chatClient.getKey(), chatClient);     
                                System.err.println("Unable to Connect to " + oeName);
                //For Chat Room Connections
                else if(type.equals(CHATROOM_TYPE))
                    //Count the number of users in the room
                    String message;
                    String[] roomUsers = getMultiValuedAttribute(oe, ATTRIBUTE_USERLIST);
                    int num = 0;                                                
                    if(roomUsers != null)
                        num = roomUsers.length;
                    if(num == 0)
                        message = chatRes.getString("Chat Room Empty");
                    else if(num == 1)
                        message = chatRes.getString("One in Chat Room");
                        message = MessageFormat.format(chatRes.getString("Number in Room"), new Object[]{new Integer(num)});
                    //Confirm the decision to connect.
                    if(JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(shell.getShellFrame(), message + 
                            "\n" + MessageFormat.format(chatRes.getString("Enter Room?"), new Object[]{oe.getName()}), chatRes.getString("Chat"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, 
                            JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE) == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)
                        //Get the rooms IP Address                                    
                        String roomIPAddress = getAttributeValueAsString(oe, ATTRIBUTE_IP);
                        //If the IPAddress is null, then no one is currently acting as the server
                        //of this room, so that privledge will be given to this user.
                        if(roomIPAddress == null)
                            chatRoomTransfer(oe, chatUser.getIPAddress(), -1);
                            changeTrustee(oe, chatUser.getFullName());
                            roomIPAddress = getAttributeValueAsString(oe, ATTRIBUTE_IP);
                        //Now get the Port the room is at.
                        String roomPort = getAttributeValueAsString(oe, ATTRIBUTE_PORT);
                        if(roomIPAddress != null && roomPort != null)
                            //Creates the client and then attempts to connect.
                            ChatClient chatClient = new ChatClient(this, new ChatUser(oe, oe.getName(), oe.getFullName(), roomIPAddress), chatUser, (new Integer(roomPort)).intValue());
                                connectionList.put(chatClient.getKey(), chatClient);        
                                System.err.println("Unable to Connect to " + oe.getName());
     * Replaces the keys used in the connectionList table.  This is 
     * done when the Chat Room Server is transferred to another user.
     * @param oldKey The key to replace.
     * @param newKey The key to use.
     * @param client The ChatClient associated with the key.
    public void swapConnectionKeys(String oldKey, String newKey, ChatClient client)
        Object oldClient = connectionList.remove(oldKey);   
        connectionList.put(newKey, client);
    //  The following methods deal with the ChatStausListener interface. //
     * Adds a ChatStatusListener to the Chat manager.
     * @param listener The ChatStatusListener to add.
    public void addChatListener(ChatStatusListener listener)
     * Removes a ChatStatusListener from the Chat manager.
     * @param listener The ChatStatusListener to remove.
    public void removeChatListener(ChatStatusListener listener)

     * Implementation of the ChatStatusListener Interface.
     * Called when the connection is lost by the client or when the server's
     * last connection is lost.        
     * @param key The (IP:Port) key of the connection.
    public void disconnected(String key)
        Object obj = connectionList.remove(key);
        //Relay it to all of the listeners
        Enumeration list = listeners.elements();
            ChatStatusListener listener = (ChatStatusListener)list.nextElement();
     * Implementation of the ChatStatusListener Interface.  
     * Called when the client or the server has a change of status.
     * @param status The status message sent.
    public void chatStatus(String status)
        //Relay it to all of the listeners
        Enumeration list = listeners.elements();
            ChatStatusListener listener = (ChatStatusListener)list.nextElement();
     * Implementation of the VetoableSnapinListener Interface.
     * Called when the user attempts to delete an object.
     * Only the owner of the Chat Room should have delete rights to
     * Chat Rooms.
     * @param event The SnapinEvent.
     * @exception SnapinVetoException Thrown to veto the action.
    public void vetoableSnapinListener(SnapinEvent event) throws SnapinVetoException
        ObjectEntryCollection entries = shell.getCurrentSelections();
        ObjectEntry oe = entries.getFirstElement();  
        //Make sure it's a Chat Room
            //Checks to see if there is anybody in the room
            String users[] = getMultiValuedAttribute(oe, ATTRIBUTE_USERLIST);            
            if(users != null && users.length > 0)
                //Inform the user of what is happening and ask him if he wants to proceed.
                if(JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(shell.getShellFrame(), chatRes.getString("Delete Room?"), 
                        chatRes.getString("Chat"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION) == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)                                     
                    //Creates the client and then attempts to connect.
                    ChatUser user = getUserIdentity(oe);
                    String port = getAttributeValueAsString(oe, ATTRIBUTE_PORT); 
                    String ipAddress = getAttributeValueAsString(oe, ATTRIBUTE_IP);
                    ChatClient chatClient = new ChatClient(this, new ChatUser(oe, oe.getName(), oe.getFullName(), ipAddress), user, (new Integer(port)).intValue());
                    //Sends the message to force the shutdown of the Chat Room
                    throw new SnapinVetoException(chatRes.getString("Room Deleted"), event);            
     * Implementation of Interface Runnable.
     * Starts a thread that will first search for the NDS Namespace.
     * It must be searched for in this way, because it is sometimes not
     * available when initSnapin() is called in the ChatServiceSnapin.
     * Once NDS is found, the identity of the user that is authenticated 
     * to each tree is identified.  A ChatServer is then started for each 
     * of these users in order to listen for Chat requests.
    class InitializeChat implements Runnable
            final int TIMES_TO_TRY = 10;  //The number of times to try to find NDS.
            Thread thread = new Thread(this);   //The thread that will handle the search.
             * Constructor
             * Starts the thread.
            public InitializeChat()
             * Implementation of Runnable Interface.
            public void run()
                int count = 0;
                //Keep looking until it's either found or met the max number or tries.
                while(count < TIMES_TO_TRY)
                    if(getNDSNamespace() != null)
                            //Just because you have NDS doesn't mean that you have access to the root OEs.
                            ObjectEntry[] oes = ((NamespaceSnapin)getNDSNamespace()).getInitialObjectEntries();
                            if(oes != null && oes.length > 0)
                        }catch(SnapinException ex){}
                        thread.sleep(2000);       //Wait 3 seconds, and then look again
                    }catch(InterruptedException e){}
                if(count >= TIMES_TO_TRY)
                    findAuthenticatedIdentities(true);  //Check each tree for user identities.   
                //Notify any listeners that Chat has been initialized.
                if(identityCache.size() > 0 && connectionList.size() > 0)               
                    initialized = true;    
                    shell.postSnapinEvent(new SnapinEvent(getInstance(), EVENT_INIT_COMPLETE));