1.11 Naming Conventions

To prevent name collisions in SecretStore, we recommend that non-shared secrets be constructed using certain guidelines to assure that names are unique. Notice that our naming guidelines do not prevent you from using an alternate scheme, which may result in secret names that are not unique. Alternative naming schemes are not able to prevent a name collision between non-registered applications.

IMPORTANT:To manage and coordinate SecretStore secret ID changes worldwide, it is important to register your names with Novell Developer Support. Please see the Virtual Resources site for further information.

The length of the secret name must be 255 or fewer characters long. Secret IDs should follow this structure:

    //<Company DNS Name>/<AppName>:OptionalComponents

<Company DNS Name> is the registered domain name of the company that has developed the SecretStore-enabled application, such as novell.com or ibm.com.

<AppName> is the name of the SecretStore-enabled application.

<OptionalNamecomponents> can be any sequence of name components that an application chooses to define and use.

1.11.1 Naming Examples

Here are three examples of SecretStore secret IDs:

  • //Novell.com/LotusNotes:c:/Lotus/jsmith.id
  • //Novell.com/ EntrustEntelligence:c:/Program Files/Entrust/entrust.epf
  • //Novell.com/GroupWise:ver.0.jdoe